Lost Chapters (3) - Mud bath

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(This part of the story takes place a few months after marriage.)

The sun came shining through the window, hitting your face and causing you to wake up.

Slowly, you turn your head and feel your body. Feeling something warm pressed up against it.

You open your eyes and once again see your wife right there on the bed.

Her eyes twitching, her nose scrunching even in her sleep. Her lips were drooling, yet she still looked as beautiful as the day you married her.

Though she wasn't exactly next to you.

Since in between you and your wife, Yuna was snoring as loudly as her little nose could produce.

You roll your eyes, trying to slowly get her off so you could move and give Mina a good morning kiss.

You were able to pull your arm away from under Yuna's head, though doing so woke her up.

Yn- Oppaaaa

The girl whines. Her eyes fluttering open as she looked over to you.

Yn- What's wrong with you? I just got in deep sleep

She crooks her lip at you, turning towards you so her back was hugged by Mina.

And this caused Mina to wake up, slowly opening her eyes so that she could look at you over Yuna's head, who by now was holding Mina's hands.

Mn- What did you do this time?

Mina says to you, only being able to open one eye since she was still half asleep.

Y/n- What did I do? I just woke up too and wanted to get a kiss from my wife. But somebody had to sleep in between us

You turn your eyes to Yuna, who gave you a cheeky smirk, cuddling more into Mina.

Yn- Well, all I wanted was to get some sleep. You didn't have to wake me up

She says, crooking her brow.

Y/n- Get some sleep? Yuna, we have like a dozen other beds. Some of the girls aren't even here. You could have slept in their beds!

Yn- I didn't want to!

Y/n- You didn't want to? Need I remind you that this is my room? Heck, this is my house, Yuna. Can I at least get some privacy with my wife?

Yn- Why are you so cranky!? You just woke up and you're already giving me a hard time!

Y/n- And why wouldn't I!?

Yn- Fine! If you're going to keep acting like that, I'll just sleep over at Jay's next time!

You scoff as she crosses her arms, still staying in Mina's arm.

Y/n- Yuna, you are not going to do that!

Yn- Watch me!

Y/n- Oh, I 'ought to...

Yn- You won't dare, Oppa

She sticks her tongue out at you.

Y/n- Oh, I will!

Yn- No you won't!

Y/n- I will!

Yn- You won't!

Y/n- I said I will!

Yn- I said you wo-

She was suddenly cut off as Mina placed a hand over her mouth.

Mn- Quiet, you two! Gosh! This is my first day off in weeks and you two are already giving me a headache!

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