Chapter 9 - A busy day

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You enter the room and sit beside Nayeon and Jeongyeon on the bean bags as you place the beer down on the floor

Y/n- So you girls got anything to start with?

Ny- Yeah, but its a rough one

Y/n- Can I see?

Jeongyeon hands you the laptop as you take a look at the lyrics

Y/n- Hajima nene nonjima please nanana. Hey this is actually pretty good. By the way whats the plan with this? We cant really let them listen to a song with me in it right?

Ny- Well like we said earlier we'll be doing two versions, one with you and one with just us

Jy- The version with you is the one that me and the girls will listen to, and the other one goes public

Y/n- Why would you want to hear my voice in a song anyways

Ny- Cause you have a great voice Oppa, and besides the songs you did with Dahyun and Jeongyeon are so good, so I think we can make a better one!

Y/n- Alright then, lets see what we can do shall we?

The three of you begin to write and brainstorm while drinking and sharing stories with each other
You all begin to losen up and the ideas finally start flowing

Jy- Hey maybe you two can write about last night?

Y/n- What do you mean? What happened last night? You all slept early remember? How coul...

Ny- Y/n

Y/n- Sorry

Jy- Its okay Y/n, I dont mind you railing my Unnie. And besides I know I did better

Ny- Oh the confidence, how can you be so sure?

Jy- Well why dont you tell her who was better Y/n?

They both look at you annoyed at each other as you just stare at them frozen

Y/n- Uhh well, I was sort of drunk with Nayeon so...

Jy- So he felt better with me

Ny- Hey!

Y/n- What? No

Ny- See? I was better

Y/n- No! Listen girls can we not? Im not about to compare you both

The girls both nod at you
But deep inside they felt glad that you didnt want to choose between them

Y/n- Hey how about this? Lets imagine that Im in a bar and someone is offering me a drink, but I refuse cause we know what happens when im drunk

You trail off the sentence looking at Nayeon as she laughs
You then spend a couple of hours on writing with the girls, they write their part and you write your own part

Ny- You done Y/n?

Y/n- Just about, you go record in the booth, ill see how this will mix with the song

Nayeon stands up and goes inside the booth while you also stand up and head to the control booth
You sit down on the chair and Jeongyeon comes over and sits on the chair beside you

Y/n- Alright Nayeon whenever you're ready

She gives the okay sign

Y/n- Okay 1 2 3

Nayeon proceeds to start singing and get comfortable with the song

Jy- So you really cant choose between us huh?

Y/n- Well yeah

Jy- Just between you and me come on, you can say who was better

Y/n- Still no

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