Chapter 42 - To me you always will be

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(70k words for this one, so if I were you, I'd get some snacks along the way. And maybe some tissues, if you kmow what I mean *Wink-wink*)

Waking up in your bed, you smile upon seeing Sana still sleeping in your arms.

You were currently back home in Japan, with the soft girl sleeping soundly, snoring all the while.

You give her a kiss on her forehead before doing the good old hug and roll to get her off you.

You make your way outside and make breakfast for two of the most important people in your life. Soon to be anyways.

After doing so, you head to the shower and get ready for work.

After doing everything you had to, you were at the living room, tying your tie.

It was around the same time that the girl walked out of the room, her hair still a mess.

Sn- Goodmorning *Yawn*

Y/n- Oh, goodmorning, Sweetheart

She walks up to you and gives you a kiss, nonchalantly tying your tie for you.

Sn- You woke up so early, are you that excited for tomorrow?

You could only chuckle as she teases you.

The girls were flying to japan tomorrow to record and perform their new japanese comeback, they would stay there in your home fot the remainder of their stay.

Y/n- Just wanted to get a head start on work. I want to take a day off tomorrow

Sana smiles at this.

Sn- That's a good idea. And maybe you can get off work earlier today so we can go get some groceries?

Y/n- Sound's like a deal

Sn- Great! Now, let's have some breakfast before you leave?

Y/n- Oof, I don't know if I can...

You notice a small drop in her mood.

Y/n- ...If I can ever resist you

You then pick Sana up by her ass, making her squeel and laugh as you head to the table where the food was already set up.

You and Sana had breakfast, and was enjoying each others company all the while.

Your conversations now consisted of the most basic ones to talk about, like on what to do with the house, should you get a new car, will you pick up vitamins on the way home, and is there still hot water in the shower.

Yes, to some they were boring. But if you get to talk about them with Sana, nothing ever seemed so boring.

The girl was all smiles, her heart was full, and she was happy. Sana was contented with everything, you were with her and she was with you and Baby. Like you said, nothing changed, and only got better.

Y/n- Oh, I got to get going, Sweetheart. We have a meeting today

Sn- Oh, right. Hold on, I made some sushi last night. You should take some to the office

Sana went up and headed to the fridge, carrying a cup of coffe, wearing a robe over her night gown.

She was basically a wife at this point, despite the titles.

She came back with your lunch box, and then handed it to you.

Sn- Here, Oppa

Y/n- Thanks, Sweetheart

You stood up and gave Sana a peck, only she pulled you back in and gave you a deeper kiss, you still tasting the coffee in her mouth as you giggle.

Y/n- I'll see you later, okay?

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