Chapter 18 - Sweet Revenge

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(A/N- Bigger time skips from here on out, not too much though. I still want it to be a detailed story but this is just a way to progress the story faster. Longest Chapter yet Btw. Thats all. Enjoy!)

Dahyun slowly wakes up with the sun glaring through the small window in your bedroom. She moves around a bit but finds that you weren't in bed. Dahyun sits up and slowly opens her eyes. She puts a hand up to block the sun. She sees the bed all tidied up with herself under the blankets

Dh- Where is he? Tsk

Dahyun grabs her phone and decides to text you rather than get up herself

🦅- Did you seriously just leave me in bed??



Mm- Someones in trouble haha

Momo goes to the counter after picking up the plate of food from your hands. You roll your eyes and pickup your phone

Momo was hungry
Stay there I'll come up soon 😚

👑- (👑 Changed your name to 둡💖)

둡💖- Yah
If u werent so cute!

You smile at this and put your phone back in your pocket

Jy- And I'm stuck as a dog?

Y/n- Hey I wasnt the one that picked that

You ruffle Jeongyeons hair and she goes back to the island, to sit with the rest of the girls

You woke up a little earlier and decided to cook for the girls before they head downstairs. Momo was the first to come out for obvious reasons. Followed by the rest. Today was going to be the first day of trial rehearsals for the upcoming, year end concert for the whole JYPE family. From here on out it was going to be a busy week. But at the end of all of this was the holiday break

You fix Dahyun a plate of food and place it on a tray, along with some juice and some fruits that Chaeyoung cut up

Jh- Oppa, coffee please

Y/n- Ne

You pour some coffee for Jihyo and hand it to her. She gives you a kiss on the cheek before you head back to the tray. You pick it up and head upstairs

*Knock Knock*

You slowly open the door and peek your head inside

Y/n- Hey

You say to the glowing Dahyun sitting on your bed. Her hair was messy and she didnt even have any make up on but that smile more than made up for it

Dh- Hey

You walk in and sit beside her as you place the tray on her lap

Dh- Gomao Oppa

Dahyun gives you a kiss. You get comfortable back in bed and sit right next to her, shoulder to shoulder. Dahyun rests her head on your shoulder

Dh- Why do I feel so slugish? Did we have sex last night?

You snicker a little laugh

Dh- Yah! we did didnt we? I remember it. You fucked me like a wild animal

She says rubbing her own back

Y/n- I think I'd remember if something like that happened

Dh- What do you mean?

Y/n- We didnt have sex. Maybe we did in your dream...

Dh- No!

She looks at you with a surprised face

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