Chapter 22 - Starting the year off Right

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Sana wakes up with her arms wrapped around a warm body. Without opening her eyes, she comes closer and kisses the nearest part her soft lips could reach. She was lucky enough to feel another set of lips. Sana smiles softly as she starts to feel the other set of lips move. Sana then gets deeper into the kiss, she starts to move her tounge and lean over to the other side.

Dh- Mmm Y/n

Sana's eyes spark open. Instead of you, she was in a morning make out session with Dahyun. Sana instantly pulls away from the kiss and sits up

Dh- Oppa why'd you stop?

She says with her eyes still closed and her arms wide out to reach for the person making out with her.

Sn- Dubu, where the hell is Y/n?

Dahyun slowly opens her eyes and sees Sana sitting on your side of the bed. She also slowly sits up and looks at her Unnie.

Dh- I could also ask you the same thing, what are you even doing in our bed?

Sn- "Our bed"?

Dahyun insantly realizes what she just said

Dh- I... I m-mean...

Dahyun tries her best to look for a way to get herself out of this situation. Luckily she had the perfect one

Dh- ...Happy Birthday!

Dahyun screams as she leaps into Sana. Sana just smiles and accepts Dahyun's show of affection. She was always the first one to greet her Happy Birthday and that streak did not break today.

However, Sana did want to see you first thing in the morning as she said the night before, but for now, she was happy that Dahyun was hugging her tightly.

Sn- Gomao, Dubu

Sana hugs bag for a tight squeeze before they both pull away with smiles on their faces. However, Sana did not look all that happy and it was vissible

Dh- Wae? Is anything wrong?

Sn- I... I kinda wanted Oppa to be with me when I woke up. That's the whole reason I slept here

Dh- Yeah, he does that. But have you checked your phone?

Sn- Not yet. Wae?

Dh- If he leaves the bed early he usually sends a message

Sana quickly grabs her phone from the bedside table

👑- Happy Birthday Sana!😚
Sorry I had to leave you in bed
Had to do something special for a special girl ㅋㅋㅋ

Sana smiles warmly as she looks at your message

Dh- Told you

Sn- Where do you think he is?

Dh- He's probably already downstairs. Wanna go and check?

Sana nods rapidly. Dahyun stands up and offers her hand to which Sana instantly grabs as they make their way out of your room and head to the stairs.

As soon as they were nearing the steps, they hear some clattering presumably from the living room.

Jh- Here?

Y/n- No, Ji get down from there. Hey, Momo... God damnit. Hey!

Jh- Just hold it!

Ny- Mina, Steady!

Tz- Unnie!

Y/n- Jeong, Dont!


Y/n- God damnit Jeong...

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