Chapter 26 - Confessions

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All of you were sat around the dining table having breakfast.

Tz- So... there was never a job for Oppa?

Nayeon shakes her head.

Dh- I knew it! It was too good to be true!

Dahyun exclames, almost standing up. Nayeon remained in a ball, sat on her chair, feeling guilty that she agreed to let you get close to them.

Jy- So they never wanted Y/n because of his talents?

Nayeon again shakes her head. All the girls could only look and feel bad for you.

Ny- But they did say that they actually liked the songs he wrote

Dh- Is that good enough!? Y/n was so happy and now they do this?

Dahyun was fuming, she could almost burst out the dorm and attack RV herself.

Mn- Dahyun, calm down

Dh- Calm down? Calm down? First they try and steal Y/n away from us, but not only that, they gave him false hope! They didn't have to trick him like that

Dahyun stands from her seat.

Dh- Give me Yeri's number

She says facing Nayeon who still had her face hidden in her thighs.

Sn- Dubu calm down

Dh- Just give it to me, Unnie!

Jh- Dahyun, enough. We don't have to drag this out

Dh- So it's okay for you for them to do something like that to Y/n?

She said pointing to you who remained speachless over all this.

Jh- Obviously not, but you can't go out and attack RV just because of this, a lot of things will be damaged if you do

Dh- I don't care! They don't have the right to do that to Y/n

Jy- I mean they didn't do anything? They just wanted him to meet Seulgi

Dh- And what do you think Seulgi is gonna do? You think she's just gonna stand by and say hello to Y/n from time to time? No! There's a reason she spent all that time trying to find Y/n, she clearly likes him

Mn- What if she likes him?

Dh- What?

Mn- What if Seulgi likes Y/n, are you afraid he'll like her back?

Dh- Obviously she has something planned for him to fall for her

Mn- You really think that will happen?

Dh- I'm just keeping my eyes open here, I'm not trying to turn a blind eye like the rest of you. Maybe you're all willing to let this go, but I care too much about Y/n to let it happen

Jh- Excuse me? You don't think we care about Y/n?

Dh- Maybe you do, but with how you're acting I'm pretty sure I care a lot more about him than you do

Dahyun grabs your arm and drags you up the stairs and into your room. Dahyun jumps face down into the bed while you walk and take a seat on your side of the bed.

Dahyun crawls over on top of you as you hug her in your arms, resting her head on your chest.

Y/n- Are you okay?

Dahyun let's out her tears on your chest, wailing as she vents out her frustrations out on you.


After a little while, Dahyun has finally calmed down, she was only snorting now which was both good and a little bit funny.

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