Chapter One: Type

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          "You did what?!" my twin brother, Harry Potter, asked.

          We were in a cabin with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger heading back to Platform 9 3/4 in King's Cross Station in London from Hogwarts. I laughed at Ron's and Hermione's expressions.

          "You're the one who turned my robes green?" Hermione asked.

          I couldn't tell if she was impressed or infuriated.

          "Bloody hell, Mei. You could have been expelled!" Ron pointed out.

          "But I wasn't. Your brothers helped," I boasted.

          "Of course they did!" Ron retorted.

          Harry took my hand, "Was it worth it?"

          I put my other hand on Harry's cheek, "Absolutely."

          We laughed together as I told them everything I did with the twins, Fred and George Weasley. I also made a promise that I wouldn't do it again.

          "So far, no one told on us. Draco knew it was me and the twins behind it. Other than that, I only told you three and Peeves," I assured them.

          "No wonder Peeves likes you," Harry grumbled, "He nearly told on us in first year."

          I laughed, "Hagrid was telling me about Fluffy. I wish I could have met him. I never heard of a three-headed dog before."

          Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts, had told me that after the Philosopher's Stone was destroyed, Fluffy was free in the Forbidden Forest until Professor Dumbledore had Fluffy moved to Greece. I hope he's teaching Care for Magical Creatures again next year.

          Ron was laughing with me, "I'm not surprised. You get along with people as well as you get along with any creature."

          I looked at Hermione, "I can't help it. I'm curious about everything I read."

           She smiled at me, "I much rather prefer keeping my attention within safe pages."

          I felt bad for Harry. He couldn't stay with me over the whole summer and had to return to his family for a while. I told him I would go with him but he refused.

          "You don't want to meet these people. They hate magic and they hated our parents," he told me.

         I pouted, "But it won't be as much fun without you."

          He kissed the top of my head, "We'll be together for the Quidditch World Cup."

          I smiled as I remembered what Ron had surprised us with. Harry, Hermione, and I were going to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasley family. I was excited, even the Minister for Magic was attending. The twins knocked on the cabin door.

          "May we steal Miss Mei?" they asked.

          "Not if you're going to get her in trouble," Harry said.

          They twins acted hurt, "Us? Never!"

           I laughed as I got up to join them. They took my arms and we skipped down the hall, laughing.

          "After you," George said as he opened their cabin door.

          Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson were also there.

          "Greetings!" I said.

          They smiled at me when I entered the cabin.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now