Chapter Eighteen: Missing

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          George's POV: After dinner, Harry was pacing in the common room. I was tapping the table nervously. It was 9pm and no one had seen Mei since breakfast. I winced. I never knew she could say so much and make us seem like we meant so little to her. I knew she didn't put her name in the goblet. She looked completely terrified when her name was called, she was crying. I've only seen her cry on rare occasions and it's when someone else was hurt or in danger. I felt guilty that we left her in the greenhouse.

          I sat up, 'She can't still be there.'

          Without telling anyone, I ran out of the portrait and down the halls. I made sure to avoid the teachers but eventually, I will be in trouble if I find her. I ran to the greenhouse and there she was. She looked like she passed out and she was almost covered in dried blood and thorns. Was she here all day? She hasn't eaten then. I did my best to sweep the thorns and broken branches away from her and I shook her gently. {END}

          "George?" I asked weakly.

          My voice was cracked and my throat burned. I winced in pain all over.

          "This might hurt. I'm sorry, Mei," he said softly.

          I put my arms over his shoulder as he picked me up bridal style. I cried out softly and I heard him grunt.

          "I'm sorry about the thorns, George," I said in pain.

          He shushed me, "Mei, I know you can't talk, so don't. I'm sorry I didn't stand up for you sooner love. I know you didn't put your name in the fire. I'm sorry, Mei. Please know I love you and care about you."

          If I could cry anymore, I would. George took me to the baths and helped take off my robe. I kept my blouse and skirt on. George was already in his pajamas since it was so late. He helped take out all the thorns and branches that were stuck in me and it took almost an hour. I was now freshly bleeding in the places that he removed the thorns from and I just gave myself a wipe down with a wet towel. I treated George too. He had some thorns on him from carrying me. We talked while we removed the thorns from our shoes. After I screamed at them, Fred was crying. I looked down out of guilt.

          George hugged me and I held him tightly, "I'm sorry, George."

          He stroked my hair, "It's alright, love. You're still my love. Even if you can't stand my face."

          I laughed softly, "I love your face."

          George helped me sneak into the infirmary and we took some bandages.

          'I'm sorry Madam Pomfrey,' I thought to myself for stealing things from her.

          George bandaged me in the common room. It was just us there. He put bandaids on my legs and face. Afterwards, I looked at my bandaged limbs.

          "I look like a mummy, don't I?" I asked softly.

          Both my hands were wrapped and parts of my arms were, too.

          George chuckled, "A little bit."

           He put the last of the bandages on my neck. I hugged George.

          "George, don't take this the wrong way," I kissed his forehead, "I'm happy it was you that found me tonight. Thank you."

          He hugged me around my waist, "Love, I told you, you mean a lot to me."

          We shared a small kiss and we went to our own beds.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now