Chapter Nineteen: Bandages

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          I awoke to many girls' concern over my disappearance and my current appearance. Most Gryffindors were proud to have two representatives in the tournament, however other students weren't so kind. I was making my way to the common room when I made eye contact with Fred. I looked away as my friends were checking on me.

          "Mei, a-are you alright?" Neville asked nervously.

          Seamus and Dean were also concerned. I assured them I was fine and I was hungry. Ginny and I skipped together to breakfast.

          "Ginny, I'm sorry for what I said to your brothers," I said softly.

          She laughed, "They'll be alright, and I much prefer that over when you were under a love potion."

          I walked into the Great Hall with Ginny and Harry and all eyes were on me.

          "I look like a mummy, don't I?" I asked Harry.

          He chuckled but stopped as Cedric was making his way to us.

          "Oh, bloody hell," I muttered.

          "Mei," Cedric started, "what the hell happened now? I just found out you were missing for a whole day! Where were you?"

          Without thinking, I held his face, "Babe, I'm fine. Please don't worry, ok?"

          Harry and Cedric both flinched and I slapped my hand over my mouth, my face turning red.

          Cedric started laughing, "Well, I guess you're ok, baby."

          I was so embarrassed. He kissed the top of my head and I sat with Harry, Hermione, and Ginny.

          "I guess you and Ron had a falling out, too?" I asked.

          Harry grunted and nodded.

          "I'm gonna sit somewhere else, ok?" I told him.

          I excused myself and walked over to Draco.

          I stood nervously next to him, "May I sit with you, Draco?"

          He was shocked to see me and told me to sit. He examined my face and was worried.

          "Mei, what in Merlin's beard happened to you?" he asked.

          I looked at him sorrowfully, "I ended it with the twins. I know you heard me yesterday. I destroyed my greenhouse but the roses didn't go down without a fight. Now look at me."

          My voice was still weak and Draco had me drink a lot of water.

          "Darling, I'm sorry. I did hear it yesterday. I'm sorry about your greenhouse. Most of all, I'm sorry you're a part of this," he consoled me.

          I leaned slightly against him and sighed. He's really sweet.

          He looked at my bandages, "How about after breakfast, we get you some new bandages?"

           I nodded and started eating. The Slytherins didn't seem bothered with me eating at the table and the Durmstrang boys began to join us. I was surprised how warm Draco was to me. He seemed like he actually did care.

          Alexander was a joy to be around. The boys from Durmstrang also examined my face. I got many compliments on how strong I was with the amount of cuts I had gotten. Alexander kissed the palms of my hands where I received the most wounds. I couldn't tell if it was because of their uniforms but they all smelled like wood varnish and snow. They were all at least 17 years old and were teaching us Russian and advanced spells. After we ate though, we excused ourselves and Draco escorted me to the infirmary. I apologized to Madam Pomfrey and explained what happened last night. She and Draco assisted in putting new bandages with ointment on. Draco took me to our classes that we shared for the day and I was able to feel like a normal student again. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now