Chapter Forty: Hufflepuff Boy

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          I spent an entire week with Cedric. He told me how proud his father was of him and was going to come and support him at the final task. I told him that Mrs. Weasley, Bill, and Isaac were going to come and support Harry and I. I didn't tell him everything but I did tell him I was worried. He spoiled me though. We took pictures together in the Hufflepuff common room and one night we dressed up in our Yule ball attire. We took pictures of us dancing in the courtyard outside his common room.

          We divided the pictures so we had one each. I kept a picture of him hugging me and spinning me around in his common room. He kept the one of us smiling, waving, and his arm was over my shoulder and mine was around his waist. He surprisingly kept the photo of us slow dancing with our foreheads and noses touching. We weren't kissing but we were looking into each other's eyes. I kept the one of us dancing and laughing. My back was to him and he held me against him and we were just swaying side to side. 

          One afternoon he finally taught me to climb a tree and I hung upside down from my knees. He took a picture of me hanging upside down and laughing. I drew a few portraits of him and my favorite was him sleeping against a tree. He really liked the watch and it suited him. For Valentine's Day, I gave him a framed picture of us dancing at the Burrow on Christmas. His father snuck a picture of us and I had it framed. He got me a card and it was very heartfelt.

          "Hey, Cedric?" I asked when we were in my greenhouse.

          "Hmm?" he hummed to me.

          I told him most of what I told Fleur.

          He was quiet, "You really didn't put your name in the goblet."

          I nodded, "Harry didn't either. We don't want to win."

          He held me, "If Fleur doesn't get to you, I promise I won't leave your side. We're both tied so we should be competing together."

          I held his face in my hands, "Can I spend the night with you, Cedric? Please?"

         He kissed my forehead, "I would love that, Mei."

         I went to my common room and put my pajamas under my robes. I told Cedric to have Mary and Maya collect me before he leaves dinner. They were going to make up an excuse to steal me away for the night. I sat with Draco and we were doing well together. I love him so much and I know he loves me. Not everyone approved and there were people who expressed their doubts. We didn't mind too much. Later after we ate our fill, Maya and Mary came to us.

          "Mei, we're so sorry to bother you but could you spend the night with us? We need help with our wand holders," they asked.

          I kissed Draco and I went with them, holding both their arms in mine.

          "Thank you, ladies," I teased them.

          We laughed on the way to their common room. I took off my robe and laid it on a chair and I pulled my camera out of my bag.

          "Ladies, some time tonight, I want a picture of Cedric and I sleeping. Two of them," I requested.

          They agreed and I thanked them with their own box of chocolate covered strawberries. Cedric soon joined us. We talked about our plans in the future after Hogwarts. Cedric said he could take Quidditch professionally and I would cheer for him. As for me, I wanted to go on adventures. Maya wants to work in hospitals and Mary wants to be a teacher. Cedric went upstairs to change. I told the girls goodnight and I played with my necklace while I waited for Cedric. He came down and this time he laid on me.

          "Mei?" he asked, "Will you be with the Weasleys over summer?"

          I hummed and stroked his hair, "Mhm."

          His head was on my chest and he held me around my waist, "I love you. I want you to meet my mum."

           I kissed his forehead and my heart was about to burst, "I love you, too. I'd be honored."

          He fell asleep and I must have too because I don't remember hearing the girls coming down.

          The next morning, Cedric woke up early and his movement woke me.

          "Morning, beautiful," he greeted.

          I rubbed my eyes, "Morning, handsome."

          He got up and we both sat up.

          "What's this?" he asked, looking at the table in front of the couch.

          On the table were two pictures of us sleeping, we were breathing softly and my hand was on his head, midway through stroking his hair, and we were holding hands. The pictures were nearly identical.

          "Cedric, I wanted us to write something to each other on the back," I explained.

          He kissed me, "You wonderful girl, Mei."

          We both started writing next to each other.

'To my Hufflepuff Boy,

          When I first met you, you took care of me. You continued to for the last two years. I told you I would cheer for you and I have cheered for you at every event, every Quidditch match, and every task. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and I can't imagine my life without you. No matter what, I will always be with you and cherish every moment I have with you. I know you'll always be by my side. Thank you. Your smile is my favorite. I love you, Cedric.

Your Mei'

          I gave Cedric his photo with my note on the back. He told me he would read it when he went upstairs to change. However, he told me to read mine right away.

'My Wonderful Girl,

          I am so happy you are in my life. You have been a joy to be around. You're thoughtful and caring. These past years have been amazing with you. I promise I will protect you and be by your side. You have given me so much and what I am most thankful for is your friendship. I want you to smile every day. I love you, Mei.

Your Cedric'

          I was nearly in tears and held my photo of us close. Cedric threw my robe at me and when I put it on, he hugged me.

          "Your letter is wonderful like you, Mei. Thank you," he said.

          The last task was a week away and we agreed to train alone to focus on it but we still promised to protect each other when the task came.

          We made our way to the Great Hall and I sniffed the air, "Cedric, how much cologne did you put on?"

          He laughed but didn't respond. He kissed my hand as I went to the trio and sat with them.

          They were staring at me funny, "Mei? Again?"

          I blinked, "What?"

          They started laughing when they saw Cedric. I turned to him and he was laughing and winked at me.

          'Son of a-,' I thought and looked at my robes.

          Or should I say, his robes. My face turned red and I threw an apple at Cedric but he caught it.

          I went to my common room, 'I'm keeping this one now. Damn Hufflepuff Boy pranked me.'

          If I wasn't so embarrassed, I would've been impressed that he pulled it off. 

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