Chapter Twelve: Together

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          Harry came to get me as we were getting close to Hogwarts. Angelina was sleeping against the wall and Fred was on the other wall with a big gap between them. George was asleep in my lap and I was against Lee. I tapped George and he moved but went back to sleep. Before I left the cabin, I gave Fred a kiss on the forehead and didn't notice Angelina was awake.

          Ron and Hermione were awake and were talking about the mysterious event at Hogwarts. We were getting off the train when I saw Draco. Out of habit, I started playing with the ring around my neck. It made me happy seeing the rings on his hand. He was getting taller and his hair was getting longer. He really is handsome. I must've been standing there for a while because Fred picked me up over his shoulder as we all headed to the castle. I looked up and saw Draco looking at me.

          "Fred?" I asked, "Will you please put me down?"

          He sounded upset, "You need to stop staring sometimes. I was jealous."

          I was surprised with his honesty, "I'm sorry, Fred. It wasn't like that."

          He put me down and we were with the other Gryffindors.

          "I heard the event is going to get people rich and famous," he told me as he took my hand.

          "I think you could use the riches, you want your own company with George, right?" I pointed out.

          He kissed my hand and continued to hold it, "I love that you know what I'm thinking."

          "Are you two dating?" Angelina asked, appearing out of nowhere.

          We jumped but kept holding hands.

          "No," Fred answered quickly.

          I was a little sad but nodded to her. That.. really hurt for some reason. Is he embarrassed of me? I want to date him.. I thought..

          "Then can I hold your other hand, Fred?" she asked.

          I knew she liked him. My eyes lowered and my hand went limp.

          "Uh, sure?" Fred answered.

          I squeezed his hand until someone broke it. George picked me up over his shoulder making our classmates laugh and I tried to laugh but it was hard seeing them still holding hands.

          "You alright, Mei?" George asked me while still carrying me.

          "I. Knew. She. Liked. Him," I said broken with every step George took.

          George laughed, "I'm sorry, love."

          I started to struggle, "George?"

          He put me down, "Yes, love?"

          I asked, "Would you like it if I were older?"

          I was obviously upset. This was confusing. If Fred really did want me, wouldn't he date me? For some reason, I started to think about Draco. I kissed him not that long ago..

          George took my hand as we walked to the castle, "No. Fred is just stupid."

          I started laughing. George always made me smile and I appreciate him. 

          "I hope you get your joke shop after Hogwarts. You always make me laugh so I know you'll be successful," I said.

          He looked at me with a big smile, "Thank you, Mei. That means a lot."

          He stood behind me. His hands were on my shoulders and he was making me spread my legs. It felt stupid.

          "Try not to move," he instructed me.

          He rushed under me and next thing I know, I'm sitting on his shoulders.

          "George!" I cried out.

          I was embarrassed with everyone looking and laughing.

          "Let's have fun, Mei. I don't want you to be sad on the first day back," he said while holding my legs against his torso.

          I kissed the top of his head, "Bless you, George."

          We made our way to the front doors. Once we reached the doors to the Great Hall, I was finally put down and everyone was gathering. I couldn't help but think it was bittersweet but this is my home. I smiled regardless knowing that. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now