Chapter Nine: Separation

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          We were back at the tent celebrating when there was a commotion outside and Mr. Weasley went to investigate. Fred and I were dancing together.

          "Mei, I'm glad you cheered for the Irish with us. You look great!" he complimented me.

          I thought I heard screaming outside when Mr. Weasley came back in. He told us to evacuate to the portkey.

          "Fred, Mei and Ginny are your responsibility. George, you take Harry and Ron. Bill, Charlie, come with me," Mr. Arthur ordered and left.

          In the camping grounds, people in tall hoods were attacking and setting tents on fire. In the chaos, someone ran into me, making me let go of Fred's hand, and I hit my head on the ground hard. I thought I saw Draco running past me for a second. I remember hearing Fred yelling and my vision went black. My head hurt when I sat up and it was dark. There weren't any people that I could see but I heard people calling my name. And then Harry's. Did we both get separated from the twins? I crawled down aisles of tents and I finally found Harry on the ground.

          "Harry! Wake up!" I cried, shaking him.

          He came to and hugged me.

          "I'm sorr-" he started but I covered his mouth.

          There was a man a few yards away and he casted a spell that made our scars burn. It was a horrible green color in the sky and it was a skull with a snake. The man saw us and I thought he was going to confront us, until Bill and Charlie found us, then he disappeared. The Ministry of Magic officials were present with Percy and Mr. Weasley. The men questioned us and when we were cleared to go Mr. Weasley escorted us back to the tent where everyone else was. Fred looked in utter distress on one of the couches. I ignored everyone and went straight to him.

          "Mei?!" he cried out and held my face in his hands.

          "Fred! I'm so sorry!" I began crying.

          I sat on his lap, not caring about the position, and he held me tightly as George wiped away my tears.

          "You gave us all a scare, Mei. You too, Harry. I'm sorry. You were my responsibility," he apologized to Harry.

          We got our bags and headed back to the portkey. Mr. Weasley told us that the Diggorys already went back as we made our way back too. Fred held my hand the whole trip back, he was shaking. When we got to the Burrow, Mrs. Weasley already knew what happened. She embraced her twins and Mr. Weasley talked to Harry and I in the living room.

          He explained to us that what we saw in the sky was the Death Mark, it's dark magic and a sign of Lord Voldemort. It was only casted when someone was killed. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were worried about us. Ginny and Ron were tending to my head injury and Hermione tended to Harry. I talked to Mrs. Weasley to see if I could spend the night with Fred on the couch and told her what happened. She agreed for one night because Fred was still shaking. I laid on the couch and had Fred lay on top of me.

          "Are you sure I'm not too heavy, love?" he asked me softly.

          "Mhmm," I hummed to him.

          He held me around my waist and I didn't mind his head on my chest. I hummed to him softly and played with his hair and stroked his face.

          "I'm sorry, Fred. I didn't mean to worry you so bad. I promise I'm safe and I'm ok," I told him softly.

          He squeezed me tightly, "I'm sorry, Mei. I said I would be by your side."

          "Shh," I said, "I'm here with you now. I'm happy. I'm safe."

          He nodded and fell asleep.

          George came downstairs and sat in the chair next to me.

          "Mei, I'm sorry I lost Harry," he said to me softly.

          I left one hand on Fred's back and gave my free hand to George.

          "It's ok, love. He's here now," I consoled him.

          "We were really worried about you, love. You did scare us. Fred was really upset with himself. You mean a lot to us. Especially Fred," he kissed me softly.

          "I know. You mean a lot to me too," I whispered to him.

          Fred snored, making us jump.

          "You wanna sleep down here, too?" I offered.

          George nodded and laid on the ground. He held my hand and we both went to sleep.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now