Chapter Fourteen: Submit

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          About a month has passed and Hermione and I were in the Great Hall reading. I had gotten her a new book for her birthday last month and Cedric's letter said he wanted a response from me with a drawing of myself. I happily made him one and wondered where he would put it. Across from us in the Great Hall was Draco and two of his friends. I believe their names were Crabbe and Goyle. We kept flirting with our eyes and things were going nowhere with Fred. My feelings for Fred were slowly ending and I had accepted it. Angelina spent more time with them anyways. Cedric suddenly came in with a huge crowd. He looked over at me and winked. I rolled my eyes at him. Cedric put his name in the goblet of fire and through the cheers, he made his way to me. I closed my book and held my arms out for him. He picked me up and spun me around and the crowd cheered.

          "Mei! Will you cheer for me, you wonderful girl?" he asked happily.

          His smile was contagious. I adore him. I think I love him. I want to support him!

          "Of course, you Hufflepuff boy!" I replied.

          He put me down and kissed my cheek before he left with his crowd.

          'You stupid Hufflepuff boy, be safe. People have died in this,' I thought to myself.

          I glanced at Draco, who was clearly jealous.

          "Mei," he called to me, "please come here."

          I went in his direction and he grabbed my robes and pulled me to him closely.

          I was tempted to put my hands on his shoulders but he spoke huskily, "Your letter from summer. What did you do to it?"

          I blushed and was surprised how bold he was being, "It was nice, wasn't it?"

          He looked annoyed, "I haven't been able to find that scent anywhere and it is driving me crazy. You also left me a kiss on it."

         I tilted my head and winked at him, "Be nice to me and I'll tell you what it is."

          He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and whispered, "You like it when I'm mean to you, admit it."

         I let a pur escape my mouth and blushed.

         "I knew it," he boasted.

          I stuck my tongue out at him, "Shut up."

          "By the way, this is Crabbe and Goyle. This is Mei Potter. She's mine to toy with," he introduced.

          Crabbe and Goyle just nodded to me.

          "Am I yours, Draco?" I teased, somewhat happy.

          Before he could answer, the twins came in, also with a crowd. Draco kissed my hand as he knew I was going to go to them.

          I returned to Hermione, who was smirking at me, "What, Hermione?"

          She laughed, "Oh, nothing, Mei."

         I nudged her, "Liar."

          The twins had an ageing potion and tried to submit their names. They did make it past the ageing ring that Professor Dumbledore drew but the goblet denied them and turned them into old men. While they were fighting on the ground, I made their way to them.

         Boys from Durmstrang came in and I recognized one of them next to Viktor Krum. He was the one that stared at me during their entrance. I got out of their way and tried to get to the twins when he stopped me. He gave me a letter and smiled. I noticed Viktor also looked at Hermione. They left without saying a word.

          'Strong silent type I guess?' I thought to myself.

          "Boys," I mocked while putting the letter away, "I mean, grandpas, would you like a fountain of youth?"

          The boys looked at me, "Just help us get back to normal."

          I helped them up and worked with Madam Pomfrey to change them back. As I waited for them in the hallway outside of the infirmary, I read the letter from the boy in Durmstrang.

'To the girl with brown eyes,

          My name is Alexander Lano. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am a sixth year student from Durmstrang. Our school is located in Western Russia. Ever since I saw you, I had to know more about you. I hope to hear a response from you.



          I sighed. I can't keep this up. What is so special about me? It would be rude to not respond. It would be cool to have a friend in Russia though. I have no idea what 'Dasvidaniya' means though. I folded the letter and put it away. The twins soon came outside, looking like their normal self.

          "I'm glad to see you're back to normal," I teased.

          They hugged me. I hugged them tightly. I missed them. I took in their scents and sighed in relief.

          "It's been a while since all three of us have spent the night together, haven't we?" asked Fred.

          I agreed and we were going to spend the night together again. I wrote some letters over dinner to send out. One was to Mrs. Weasley to let her know what was going on. The second letter was to Isaac, letting him know about the event going to take place. Lastly, I wrote a letter to Alexander.

'Dear Alexander,

          My name is Mei Potter. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I am a fourth year at Hogwarts in the Gryffindor house. I remember you when you first came to Hogwarts. I would like to get to know you as well. I have never been to Russia before. Is this your first time in Scotland? Forgive me, what does 'Dasvidaniya' mean?

Yours truly,


          I poured the black and gold wax in the bottom right corner of the letter and stamped it. I fed Midnight some meat and sent her off with the letters. I yawned and sat beside George, I didn't know where Fred was but George and I headed to the common room early. We fell asleep on the couch together. This time, George laid on top of me.

          "Hey, Mei?" he asked softly.

          "Yes, George?" I responded half asleep and stroked his hair.

          "Remember last Valentine's Day?" he asked again.

          I blushed, "Yes, I do."

          He propped himself up on my chest.

          "Good," he said as he kissed me.

          I laughed softly, "Troublemaker."

          He held me tightly and we both fell asleep. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now