Chapter Twenty Five: December

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          The next morning, Ginny helped me down the stairs and we walked together to the Great Hall. Many people congratulated me and asked about my leg. I was fine and the events of yesterday also brought back my friends. Dean, Seamus, and Neville apologized to me and they gave me their full support.

          Neville was the most apologetic one, "You stood up for me in class and I didn't stand up for you. I'm sorry, Mei."

          I gave him a hug, "It's alright, I'm glad to see you're getting interested in plants now."

          He smiled and we ate breakfast. As mail was arriving, I made my way to Draco at his table.

          He kissed my cheek in front of everyone, "Morning, Mei."

          I was blushing, "Morning, Draco."

         Alexander and I were just friends now that Pansy Parkinson caught his eye. Alexander asked about my injury and I told him the experience. In doing so, I gained some respect from the Durmstrang boys. Draco had his hand in mine as Midnight came in. She landed on my head and I received letters from the Weasleys and Isaac.

          As the boys fed my owl some treats I read my letters. Mrs. Weasley had heard about the events and was worried sick about me. I was relieved she didn't send a Howler to me. Charlie sent me a letter and told me nothing would happen to the dragons and that he would be traveling to return them. Lastly, Isaac had concern over the tournament with Harry and I competing underage. He said he would attempt to come for the last task. I responded to them all quickly and there was an announcement that during class, all Gryffindors year 4 and up were to report back here.

          Draco kissed my hand as everyone but the requested students left for their classes. The girls were to sit on one side of the hall, and the boys sat on the other. I was making faces at Seamus and Dean while Professor McGonagall informed us of another event. The Yule Ball. We were to master a dance for this event and it was to be held on Christmas night. Ron was chosen to dance with the professor and I saw Harry say something to the twins. George looked at me and winked.

          We were to find a dancing partner and while most girls got up eagerly, I slouched and didn't want to. I don't want to. My leg hurt. I saw Seamus and Dean fighting to get to me but I was taken hostage by George.

          "George!" I blushed as he held my waist with both hands.

           He pulled me against his body, "Hm?"

          "Um," I explained, "I think only one hand should be here."

          He leaned in to me, "I know."

          I scoffed and took his hand myself, "Why are you dancing with me?"

          He spun me so I could see Fred without a partner.

          "George?" I asked, worried.

          "Go make up," he said as he pushed me to Fred.

          "Mei?" Fred asked, surprised when he caught me.

          "Ow," I said, my leg throbbed.

          "Are you ok, Mei?" he asked again.

          I looked up at his beautiful brown eyes, "Not really."

          Without realizing it, we were dancing perfectly and many people noticed.

          "I'm sorry, Fred," I said, watching our feet.

          I felt him squeeze my hand.

          I struggled to talk to him for the first time, "I'm sorry about what I said. I'm sorry I hit you. I'm sorry I haven't been around to talk to. I'm so-"

          He interrupted me, "Professor, can I take Mei to the infirmary?"

          I didn't even realize my leg was bleeding. She quickly shooed us out. Harry tried to go but the professor wouldn't let him. That made me smirk a little.

          "Fred?" I asked.

         He picked me up and was rushing me to the infirmary.

         "Mei, I'm sorry too," he said softly.

          I held his hand when he dropped me off at the infirmary.

         "Please don't go," I told him softly.

          He sat beside me and stroked my face. I had forgotten his touch.

          "Mei, I'm sorry," he started to cry.

          I wiped the tears from his face and he held my hand against him, "I shouldn't have slapped you, Fred. I'm sorry. I was mad and I was scared. I know you care about me. I'm sorry for bringing up what happened in summer. Please forgive me."

          I was crying, too.

          "I'm an idiot," he said, "I shouldn't have accused you. It was wrong for me to bring up attention and Durmstrang. I deserved that slap. I do care about you Mei and I did mean what I said over summer. When you brought up dying, I got scared. And seeing you hurt like that in your greenhouse.. I was in the stadium watching you and the dragon, too."

          I sniffled and wiped my eyes, "I-I'm sorry."

          He kissed the palm of my hands, "I'm sorry. I should have gone to see you but I was afraid that you meant what you said."

          I shook my head, "Silly boy, I need you."

          When I was bandaged up, he walked me to the common room.

          "Can.." he started.

          "Can I nap with you, Fred?" I asked for him.

          He nodded. I laid on top of him because of my injury and we both cried. I had missed my best friend. I couldn't be sure but I thought he kissed me when I fell asleep. George joined us together that night and I missed them. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now