Chapter Twenty Eight: Christmas Morning

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          I woke up early to get my gifts out of my suitcase. I had one for a lot of people this year. I was going to fall in again when I was magically assisted. It was another house elf.

          "Oh, hello," I greeted softly as everyone was asleep.

          "Mei Potter! I'm Dobby! A friend of Harry Potter's!" the happy little house elf greeted me.

          We had a delightful conversation about when he met Harry in second year. Dobby had a message for me from Sirius, he was safe and looking out for me. The tournament was to cover the ministry and distract the public. I made a note to talk to Harry about it later. I had an extra gift, it was a small scarf from last year when I was learning to make the twin's scarves. Dobby thanked me greatly and gave me socks that he made. I put them on immediately and Dobby left.

          I put Ron's rental under the tree in the common room, as well as everyone else's gifts. This year, I got Hermione a notebook, Ron got a spell book for cooking food, Ginny got a painting set, and I got the twins Liquid Luck. It wasn't a lot and it was in small vials. I also made them the fudge marshmallows like I did last Valentine's Day. I got Harry a photo of us from last year. Mr. Weasley secretly took it when we first met each other. I put it in a frame that I charmed to be unbreakable. The picture is us hugging each other and spinning around with big smiles on our faces. I also had gifts for our classmates and for people outside of Gryffindor.

         I looked up and saw some mistletoe and sighed. I went to take it down when a hand met mine. I didn't hear him come up behind me but I knew it was Fred. He picked it and put it in my hair. I felt his arms around my waist and he held me from behind.

          "Merry Christmas, Mei," he said softly.

          He sounded sad.

          "Merry Christmas, Fred," I said softly.

          Music started playing and we started to dance. Slowly, we started to smile as old feelings came up.

          "You were wearing the gloves we got you," he said.

          "I was. I know you and George wear the scarves, too," I told him.

          He put his hand to my face, "I'm sorry. I should have asked you. I was jealous when other guys were asking you to be their date. I thought you were going to reject me, too."

          He kissed me. It wasn't like how we kissed before. It felt sad.

          I saw a tear down his face and kissed it, "Don't cry, love."

          He flinched, "Love?"

          We laughed softly and heard everyone waking up.

          He turned to go but I held his hand, "Mei?"

          I let go, "It's nothing."

          Ron ran down, "Everyone wake up!"

          I threw a pillow at Ron, "Slow down, Ron!"

          I sat next to him on the couch. Fred stood behind me, playing with the mistletoe in my hair.

          "You've been nice to me so I got you something," I handed the first gift to Ron.

          He tore open his gift revealing new robes for the ball.

         "Oh, Merlin's beard! Bless you, Mei!" Ron picked me up to everyone's surprise and kissed my cheek.

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