Chapter Twenty Two: Bow

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          There was still a strain on Fred and I with our friendship. I tried talking to George about it.

          "Hey, George?" I asked.

          It was a Saturday and he and I were skipping stones at the Black Lake.

          "Hey, Mei?" he responded.

          "Why was it you that came to me?" I asked curiously.

          George thought about it, "Fred was quiet all day. He was crying and he ran after you. I was running after him because I didn't know what he was going to do if he caught you."

          I was quiet and skipped a stone five times.

          "We saw what happened in the greenhouse but neither of us could bear to see you so unhappy. I knew the moment I saw you when your name was called that you weren't the one responsible," he continued, "I think hearing you cry convinced him that you didn't want this. He's never been quiet for so long, I was with him because, well, he's my brother. He was scared though. Harry was pacing in the common room for hours and I think I drove everyone crazy with the way I kept tapping the tables."

          I laughed softly, "I am sorry, George. I didn't mean to hit him."

          George hugged me from behind, "He was staring out the window all night. He didn't sleep at all in the dorms. Even after I told him that I found you, he didn't say anything. In all honesty, I think he deserved the slap after what he said."

          George walked me back to the Great Hall for dinner. I ate in silence with the twins and we walked to the common room and said our goodnights before going to our own beds. The next morning I was still being avoided by some students but I was able to eat with Harry and Hermione for a while.

          "Mei!" Draco called, "Mei! Come here!"

          I looked at him, "Say please."

          He blushed and spoke softly, "Please."

          Harry and Hermione were stunned. I sat beside Draco and the Durmstrang boys joined us.

          "Good morning, Mei," Alexander greeted.

          "Good morning, Alexander," I greeted back.

          Draco and I were eating green apples together.

          "You need to eat more. Today is the first task," Draco told me.

          I ate a little more and after we ate he offered to walk me to the champion's tent.

          I took his arm and confessed, "I don't know what I'm going to do, Draco."

          He kissed the side of my head, "You're great with animals. Even that stupid chicken."

          I froze. That's it.

          "That chicken!" I exclaimed.

          Draco was starting to apologize, "I'm sorry. I didn't me-"

          I held his face in my hands and kissed him, "Draco! You wonderful person!"

          I hugged him and then there was a flash. It was Rita Skeeter. She didn't say anything but had an awful smirk as she went into the tent. Bloody woman.

          "I'll be fine!" I assured Draco and he was blushing when he kissed my hand as I went into the tent. Rita got a picture of Harry and Hermione hugging as well.

          I went to Fleur, "You can do this."

          She smiled at me and we talked about Beauxbatons. It was located in France. Mr. Crouch came in holding a bag and Hermione had to leave. Professor Dumbledore explained the scenario. One dragon protected one golden egg and we had to get the egg. I winced, Charlie told me dragons are protective. But he also told me they were like hippogriffs. There was one dragon for each of us; the Welsh green, the Chinese Fireball, the Swedish Short-Snout, the Hungarian Horntail, and the Peruvian Vipertooth. The last two were the most dangerous and they were the ones left for Harry and I. We both went to get our dragons at the same time and I had the Vipertooth. She was adorably small and I loved her. I saw Charlie in the tent and I gave him a wink. I had to think about this species. Venomous, small, and had a love for eating humans. I had to go last in the task and the first thing I have to do when I see the beast is bow to it.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now