Chapter Thirty Six: Valentine's Day 2.0

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          "Mei!" Ginny was on my bed bouncing me, "Mei! Wake! Up!"

          I grumbled and sat up "Mmm?"

          She had a basket of gifts, "These are all for you!!"

          I sat dumbfounded, "I'm sorry?"

          She explained, "Today is Valentine's Day! You have a lot of admirers! Look! This one is from a first year in Ravenclaw!"

          The girls teased me in the dorm about my boyfriends. I didn't want to go out.

          "I'm not eating any of them," I growled.

          The girls got me dressed for a 'Sun-date' and I was fussy. Ginny curled my hair and Angelina did my makeup. It was red shimmer eyeshadow, simple eyeliner, and mascara. We used a simple gloss and I had my black heels. I put on my necklace and I wore the ring, despite the blue not matching. It'll match with Draco. The rest of the girls wrote down all the names and information of the people who gave me gifts in exchange for eating the edible gifts. I told them if they came across anything from Cedric, the Weasleys, Draco, or any friend they know I'm close with to leave it for me. Anything that wasn't edible was for me to look at. It was just cards from other students and I wrote down who it was from and their information.

          The girls looked up from eating and fawned over me. I got them all to dress up too. I had surprises for them. I got them all a rose. After we were all dolled up, I noticed they did save me the best tasting chocolates. The girls were good to me. One by one they went downstairs with confidence. Even Hermione participated. Fred and George whistled at me and I blushed. It's been a while since they could make me blush, right? They escorted me to the Great Hall. They kissed my hands as I made my way to Cedric.

          "Hey, babe," I teased him.

          He looked up and turned red, "Hey, baby."

          He spun me around.

          "New dress?" he asked.

          I was impressed, "You noticed."

          He nodded and pulled me into him by pulling my skirt.

          "Hmm?" I asked.

          "I have a gift for you, Mei," he said and gave me a card.

          I put it in my bag knowing it was private and I gave him a large envelope, "Your eyes only, babe."

          He nodded and kissed my forehead, "Now go say good morning to your boyfriend, baby."

          I made my way to Draco. He looked sexy in a white collar shirt and red tie.

          "Mei, you look beautiful," he greeted me.

          I pulled his tie and pulled him into a kiss, "I missed you, handsome."

          He blushed since I usually wasn't so assertive.

          "I missed you, too, darling," he said as I sat next to him.

          I loved the smell of his cologne and he smelled like mint and citrus. His hand found my thigh, he could smell my perfume. We had a sweet breakfast and Draco had a gift for me. He undid my necklace and added another ring. This ring had 'Draco 11/8' engraved on it. I was so happy that I turned and kissed him in front of everyone. We both blushed and I told Draco my gift was set up for him later today.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now