Chapter Four: Nightmares

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          About a week went by and the two oldest Weasleys boys home for the Quidditch World Cup coming up. Bill Weasley, the oldest, had a lot of charm but was mysterious and I didn't get to converse with him much after we greeted each other. Charlie Weasley however was very different.

          "You must be Mei!" an older Weasley boy came running and picked me up by my waist, "I'm Charlie Weasley! It's so nice to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you from my family but they never told me how gorgeous you are!"

          He was spinning me around and his face was nearly buried in my chest as he wrapped his arms around my back. He smelled like the mountains and like a campfire. I liked him already.

          "Oi! Charlie! Put her down!" Ron scolded.

           When I was back on my feet Charlie held my hand and kissed it, "So sorry, I was excited!"

          The twins looked very jealous and I was blushing, "It's fine! It's nice to meet you, Charlie. I'm Mei Potter. Ron tells me you work with dragons."

          His face lit up, "I'd love to tell you about it. But first tell me how old you a-"

          Percy and Bill came in swiftly and carried Charlie outside. I giggled.

          "I think he likes me," I said as I nudged Ron.

          "Oh, stop it, Mei," Ron was annoyed.

          Mrs. Weasley didn't seem to mind the friendship I had with the twins and it was a relief. She let Ginny and I do some shopping and I was finally able to get some better fitting clothes. When we got back to the Burrow I showed Mrs. Weasley most of what I had bought. She approved of the clothes I showed her and I felt bad hiding the clothes I knew she wouldn't have approved of. I was putting away my clothes and was getting ready for bed. When I fell asleep, I started having nightmares. I couldn't make any sense out of it, but when I woke up screaming, Ron and Ginny were by my bed. I was covered in sweat and I was hyperventilating.

          "Mei, you were screaming, are you alright?" Ginny asked as she was brushing the hair from my face.

          I could hear people coming downstairs.

          Ron had his hand on mine and I squeezed it, "I'm. I'm ok. It was just a nightmare."

          My other hand held my scar. It burned and it hasn't hurt this badly before. Mrs. Weasley came to my room, followed by the twins. I laughed seeing them in their boxers and they blushed when they noticed.

          Mrs. Weasley led me to the kitchen and I obviously looked up and down the twin's bodies to embarrass them. I gave them both a naughty smile and a wink. They turned so red I thought their bodies would too. Mrs. Weasley made me some tea and she told me I could sleep on the couch. I apologized for being so much trouble and she scolded me for apologizing. When Mrs. Weasley went back upstairs, Fred had made his way downstairs.

          "Mei," he asked, concerned, "are you really alright, love?"

          He sat beside me and I hugged him. He was actually really fit and feeling his skin made my heart race. I could tell he liked the touch when he shuddered.

          "I'm ok, love. It was a nightmare. I'm sorry for worrying you," I told him and kissed his cheek.

          He held my face in his hands. He was very handsome and mature. His hair was getting so long, I could almost tie it back. His hands were a little rough but he touched me softly.

          "I care about you, Mei. I like you very much," he whispered.

          I went in to kiss him, my hands on his waist. He reciprocated the kiss softly.

          "I care about you too, Fred. I like you so much," I confessed.

          I looked at him with a playful smirk to lighten the mood.

          "So, what were you going to tell Angelina? Do you like me as a sister or as a friend?" I teased him.

          He got red, "You were awake?"

          I kissed his ear.

          "Only for a little bit," I purred.

          I felt him shiver and inhale sharply.

          "Love," he said.

          I felt his hands go down the side of my body. When he got to my thighs, he pulled me onto his lap, facing him. I blushed deeply in this position.

          "I like you, Mei. Obviously not like a sister. Not like we're just friends. Or even best friends. I like you, Mei. You silly girl," he confessed and looked deeply into my eyes.

          I put my hands to his face, "I like you too, Fred. Even if you are a silly boy."

          I kissed him and my hand ran through his hair. His hands were on my upper back and I felt his nails claw down my back when I pulled his hair. We heard someone coming downstairs and I took my seat on the other end of the couch. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now