Chapter Eight: Rain

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          As we were making our way up the stairs, the twins asked how high we were going.

          "Well put it this way; if it rains, you'll be the first to know," came the same cold voice from the train station.

          It was Mr. Malfoy in all black and holding his cane. I noticed Draco behind him, also in all black.

          'Wow, he looks hot,' I thought to myself and blushed.

          Draco saw me and was also blushing. I saw the rings on his hand and I smiled. He also noticed the ring against my black sweater and smiled at me. I told the twins I'd be right up when I noticed Draco stayed behind.

          "Draco!" I called out and jumped to hug him.

          He caught me and held me up by my thighs.

          "Mei. You look beautiful," he greeted me.

          "Thank you. You look handsome. I missed you, Draco. You haven't responded to my letters," I complained.

          "I'm sorry, Mei. I did miss you. I just didn't know what to say," he apologized.

          Without thinking, I gave him a quick kiss and he put me down.

            "I, um. Be safe tonight, ok?" he told me with a red face.

          I was blushing. I was also confused but I told him I would be. He kissed my hand and I worked my way up to the very top. I.. I kissed him. Did I actually have feelings for Draco, too? This was so confusing! I huffed and kept climbing higher. It was so windy, I quickly put my hair into two braids since my ponytail kept whipping my face while we climbed to the top. Cedric and his father were already up there and Cedric helped me up. Cedric didn't have any face paint on but I brought out a rag and the face paint.

          "Cedric?" I asked, "Could you help me? I want to support the Irish."

          He laughed, "I didn't think you were the sporty type, Mei. Sure."

          He looked at me so seriously when he was focused and I kept laughing.

          "Stay still," he scolded with a smile.

          I did my best to stay still and found myself looking at his eyes. They were dreamy.

          "Close your eyes," he instructed me softly.

          I obeyed reluctantly.

          Then I felt a kiss where there wasn't any paint on my cheek and he whispered, "Good girl."

          I was blushing and he took the rag from me to clean his hands.

          "Thank you, Cedric!" I said.

          I really appreciated him. A big softie, a gentle giant. I could very well have feelings for Cedric, too. Is that normal? I laughed at myself and we all enjoyed the game. Ireland won despite seeker Viktor Krum catching the snitch. The twins say that he's the greatest seeker in the world.

          "You're a good seeker, too," I told Cedric.

          "Thank you, Mei," he said as he brushed my bangs out of my face.

          Thankfully, it started to rain after the match. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now