Chapter Forty Seven: Farewell

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          I had packed up everything safely and organized it in my suitcase. I sighed. I really missed Cedric. Cho and I bonded together over his loss. She really liked him. I told her that she meant a lot to him since she was his second task. Dean, Seamus, and Neville were sweet to me and Angelina and Lee were looking forward to summer break. I told Blaise over break to mail me. I was already going to mail so many people. It made me sad that there would be one less person to mail but I tried to not dwell on it. We made our way to the Great Hall for the end-of-the-year breakfast feast and it had many dishes I recognized from the books I gave the house elves last year. I couldn't give out more gifts like I did last year and I hoped people would understand.

          I promised Fleur and Alexander I would still write to them during summer and Fleur told me she has a crush on Bill. Charlie told me that he would be returning to the Burrow with Bill and I was happy. I could bring Vixen home with us too. Surprisingly, she got along well with Midnight. Harry stayed behind in the dorm and Professor Dumbledore spoke to him privately. I went to eat with Draco.

          "Will you write to me over summer, darling?" I asked.

          He tucked my hair behind my ears, "I promise I will."

          We held hands and it was time to say goodbye to the Durmstrangs and Beauxbatons. He held my hand as we all went outside to the courtyard to bid them farewell. We kissed again at the station; it was time for us to go back home. I had a cabin with just the twins and we held hands as we made our way to London. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now