Chapter Thirteen: Tournament

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          "Mei?" said a sweet voice behind me.

          It was Cedric.

          I hugged him, "I missed you!"

          He spun me like usual, "Hey you, I missed you, too."

          I felt smitten with him and smiled bashfully. He's so good looking.

          He brushed my bangs out of my hair, "Were you and your brother ok after the match? I heard something happened after the chaos."

          I held his face, "We're ok. I promise."

          He kissed the top of my head.

          "Cedric?" I asked, "What do you want for your birthday? It's tomorrow."

          He was surprised that I remembered.

          "I'll send you a letter, baby," he winked at me, making me blush, and he made his way to his table.

          I was going to sit with George but I saw Fred and Angelina walk in, still holding hands. I saw the trio and sat across from them instead. Dean sat on one side of me and on the other side of me was Seamus.

          "You look real cute, Mei. You're growing up nicely," Dean teased.

          I nudged him and Seamus took my hand, "Mei! I missed you!"

          I laughed and kissed his hand, "Oh, I missed you, too."

          I saw Neville on the other side of Seamus.

          I leaned on the table to greet him, "Hey, Neville, How are you?"

          He nodded, "Hey, Mei. I'm well, you?"

          I winked at him, "Happy to be home."

          I looked over to the Slytherin table and saw Draco. We made eye contact and he winked at me. I blushed and smiled. We stared at each other when we could in between our conversations. I was playing with my ring and he would rotate the ones on his hands as well.

          'Maybe Draco is my type,' I amused myself with stupid thoughts.

          "Mei," Ginny got my attention, she sat next to Ron, "did something happen with Fred?"

          I shook my head.

          "Why?" I asked.

          "He's been staring at you," she informed me.

          "Has he? I haven't noticed nor have I checked," I responded as I looked in his direction.

          Angelina was no longer with him and as we made eye contact, he curled his finger to tell me to come over. I laughed and excused myself, despite the boys' begging.

          I made my way to Fred and sat beside him, "You called?"

          He growled in my ear, "You're mine tonight."

          I tried to not make any noise in public and he held my hand on the table.

          "That your girl?" asked a low voice.

            We turned around and it was just George making voices. We laughed together and it felt natural being here with them.

          "So what if she is?" Fred said, pulling me into him.

          George just winked at me. Professor Dumbledore had an announcement after the first years were sorted into their houses. This year, Hogwarts was going to host a tournament. It was the Triwizard Tournament and it had a cash reward; one thousand galleons. However, because students have died, they agreed to host it with strict rules. Percy's boss, Mr. Crouch, announced that students by the end of October had to be the age of 17 and older to volunteer. There was a huge uproar, especially from the twins since they were only 16 and wouldn't be 17 until halfway through the school year. Professor Dumbledore silenced them and the Great Hall.

          There was a goblet of fire that was introduced to the students. It was to remain in the Great Hall and students had to write their name on parchment and submit it to the fire. The fire would then choose one name to represent each school. Two schools had arrived to compete against Hogwarts. The first was an all girls school, Beauxbatons. The second was an all boys school, Durmstrang. They were already here and waiting to join us.

          The ladies of Beauxbatons entered in their blue uniforms. They were all gorgeous. I noticed Fred staring at one of them as they ran past us. I made a gagging face to Ginny and she laughed. One of the girls was different though. One of them was a Veela. At least, part Veela. When the girls were settled, they shared a table with Ravenclaw.

          The men of Durmstrang came in loud and proud. They were all very masculine. I recognized one in the back as Viktor Krum from the Quidditch World Cup we saw this past summer. As they made their way down the Great Hall, one of them made extended eye contact with me and I blushed. They were seated with Slytherin. Fred nudged me and I nudged him back. It was going to be an interesting school year.

          During dinner, the Great Hall suddenly went into a thunderstorm and Fred held me tightly from the noise. A hidden wizard behind the professors appeared. It was Mad-Eye Moody, the auror. He made his way over to Professor Dumbledore and Fred kept me close, I was shaking. Professor Dumbledore announced that Auror Mad-Eye Moody was going to be our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

          After all that excitement, Fred had me to himself since George fell asleep on a different couch. The common room was warm and Fred and I were on the couch.

          He was kissing my neck, "Why did you leave me alone with Angelina?"

          I was moaning, "Mmm. She likes you."

          He stopped, "But I like you."

          I kissed him.

          "I like you, too. But we aren't dating and I'm not your girl," I pouted.

          He laughed softly, "I-I'm sorry, love."

          I was disappointed that the conversation ended there but tonight I laid on top of Fred and we both fell asleep. The next day, I had sent a letter to Isaac, letting him know I was back at Hogwarts. I had the same classes as Harry and Ron this year and I was looking forward to time with them. Ron seemed like he wanted to compete in the tournament. I didn't take him to be the type for fame and glory. He and I were getting along more than I expected us to. We started to throw fruits at each other during breakfast. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now