Chapter Thirty Three: Under

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          I woke up to Ginny shaking me.

          "You work fast, Mei," she teased.

          Everyone was waking up and coming down. It was usually no surprise how close I am with people. The girls did enjoy seeing Isaac's body though and I laughed at how shy he was getting. I went upstairs. I put on my swimsuit and threw on my green sweater and shorts. I left my ring behind and strapped on my garter belt with my wand. I tied my hair back in a single braid. I was ready for today.

          I had a plan. I was going to use the Bubble-Head Charm and get whatever those stupid fish people stole. The five people were still missing. I made sure to eat the best meal I could before having to swim for an hour. Isaac escorted me to the Black Lake with Harry. The twins were making bets. I told them if I make it out then I'll spend the night with them. I missed them and kissed them both on the cheek, much to everyone's surprise. Charlie was at the docks with Mr. Crouch, Professor Dumbledore, and Percy. The competitors took our positions. I took off my shorts and sweater, receiving many whistles. The cannon sounded and I dove underwater casting the charm.

          I could hear singing and followed it. If these were sirens, I'd be going to my death. But I had a feeling I knew what, or should I say who, they stole. I was the first one here and waited. It was like an underwater village. In an opening, they had Ron, Hermione, Cho, Draco, and Gabrielle here. They were tied down by their ankles with seaweed. I was relieved to see Gabrielle and she was wearing the necklace I made for her and her sister. It took half an hour to get here. We only have an hour in total and I'm not going to let anyone stay behind. Harry came and tried to take two people but the mermaids didn't like it so he took Ron to the surface. Cedric came and tapped on the watch I gave him before taking Cho to the surface. I'm glad I was smart enough to buy him a nearly indestructible watch. We had fifteen minutes and Viktor came to get Hermione. He looked like a shark and scared the lingering mermaids away. Fleur wasn't here and I couldn't leave Gabrielle behind. I untied Gabrielle and Draco and was taking them to the surface. When we got to the surface, Draco and Gabrielle woke up from whatever sleep they were in. There was still a distance from the docks and we were still by the seaweed when everyone saw the Grindylows go for Gabrielle.

          Everyone started panicking and Draco was helping Gabrielle swim to safety. In a panic, I bit my arm and drew blood. The Grindylows swarmed back to me.

          'Motherfu-,' I thought in a panic before getting swarmed.

          I tried to scream but was taken underwater and was being dragged down. I couldn't breathe and casted a shock spell to stun them.

          I muffled "Ascendio," underwater and was shot back out onto the dock at the last second.

          Harry held me as I coughed up water.

          Draco gave me his towel and held my face, "Mei, what were you thinking, you stupid girl?"

          I kissed him in front of everyone, "Saving you, you stupid boy."

          Charlie came up behind me with more towels for us.

          "Mei, you never cease to amaze me," he said and looked at my arm, "I'll treat you when we're back at the castle."

          I nodded to him and Fleur came to me, "You saved my little sister!"

          She was nearly in tears.

          "I had to. I have someone that I see as a little sister, too," I said loud enough for Ginny to hear.

          Fleur kissed my cheeks and kissed Draco's cheeks for helping Gabrielle swim. They awarded first place to Harry, second to Cedric and I, third to Viktor, and fourth to Fleur. At this point, I don't think we cared about placements. I know I didn't.

          Isaac was now at my side, "Mei! Congratulations!"

          Draco recognized him, "Mr. Rose!"

          They shook hands and Isaac went back to get a boat ready for us to get back. I was freezing. I saw Mr. Malfoy in the stands and when we made eye contact, I bowed my head to him. He bowed to me as well. Charlie accompanied Isaac, Draco, and myself to the Castle. Charlie couldn't tend to my wound but when no one was looking he kissed and licked my arm. He had to go back and help with the Grindylows.

          Draco waited by the doors for me and Isaac to get out of the infirmary. Isaac made pleasant conversation with Madam Pomfrey. I think she likes his face. Isaac treated my self inflicted bite wound and the suction burns from the Grindylow. I blushed as he tended to the ones on my thighs. I should be healed in a few days. We met Draco back outside and he gave me a proper hug.

          "I'm so proud of you, darling!" he praised me.

          Isaac and I sat with the Slytherin table and were joined by the Durmstrangs. They had very interesting conversations about Russia and America. Professor Dumbledore announced that the final task will be in June. It will be full of anything and everything.

          'That's why Charlie is still here,' I thought to myself.

          Isaac had to leave tonight so we enjoyed dinner together. I held his hand when I could and I wanted to take two pictures with him. We got our hot chocolate in take out cups and I walked him to the station. He set up his camera and when it was ready, I kissed him. We both smiled and it was a lovely photo. For the second photo, Isaac pulled me into a deep kiss and we looked into each other's eyes. Isaac wanted to keep the first one and I put away the second one. We hugged goodbye and I made my way back to the castle. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now