Chapter Five: Charlie

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          Charlie came down half asleep. He didn't even notice us as he went straight to the kitchen without glancing at us. Fred headed upstairs and I blew him a kiss. Charlie had a cup of tea when he returned from the kitchen and sat right next to me.

          "Charlie?" I asked softly, not wanting to scare him.

          "I'm up, love," he said groggily.

          "Love?" I asked again.

           He looked at me, slightly more awake.

          "I know what the twins call you and I like it. Ron told me most of it and Ginny, too," he responded.

          I nodded and rubbed my eyes. I missed Fred already.

          He took a sip of his tea, "So, how did you manage to sleep with the twins in the common room and how in Merlin's beard did you prank the entire Hogwarts Express without getting expelled?"

          I laughed a bit and started to talk about it. He even summoned a cup of tea for me. Charlie seemed really sweet, like an older version of the twins put together. Charlie looked like a combination of the twins and Ron, but much older as he was about seven years older than me. We both drank all our tea and Charlie had his arm around me. I appreciated the warmth. We exchanged stories about dragons and how I managed to break so many rules so quickly in my first year at Hogwarts.

          We didn't even realize we fell asleep together until the next morning when Ginny woke us as everyone was coming down. It was too late but the only people who seemed to mind were the twins and Mrs. Weasley. She scolded Charlie for being shameful and Fred was much more annoyed with me than George. They still sat next to me at breakfast out of habit and I had my hand on Fred's thigh. He tried to move it but every time he did, I either moved my hand inwards or upwards and left it there. Fred wasn't so easy to forgive me though.

          "So, Charlie," Fred started, I knew he was up to trouble, "did Mei tell you when Peeves pranked her?"

          I nearly choked on my pancakes.

          "He doesn't need to know! No one does!" I cried out.

          Mr. Weasley and Bill started laughing.

          "Boys, don't embarrass her!" Mr. Weasley said.

          Fred looked at me, satisfied with my expression. George had his hand on my back and was drawing circles with his finger. I allowed him to do so. The twins and Ron were going to get Harry and I tried to go but they told me I shouldn't. Apparently, even they dislike the family that we were related to. Charlie shot a wink at me and I blushed knowing he'd have time with me.

          When the boys and Mr. Weasley left, I started drawing a portrait of Charlie. He was much older than I was, but I enjoyed his company. He had so many amazing stories and told me about his experience at Hogwarts. When I showed him the drawing I made of him, he loved it. We were outside by one of the giant trees.

          He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "So, tell me about Peeves. What did he do to you?"

          I sat leaning back against Charlie's chest and his arm was around my waist. With his other hand, he took mine and was admiring it.

          "Promise not to tell?" I asked him, embarrassed.

          "I promise, love," he whispered in my ear.

          I told him how I took the boys flying on a Hippogriff and he was impressed. He said it was similar to flying on a dragon. I continued and told him about the sweets I made for them. I learned that Charlie's favorite meal was simple sandwiches and I thought it was cute. With my free hand, I tried to cover my face. I told him what the twins told me about what happened. George was going to eat a chocolate but I ate it from him and I had him on the ground professing my love for him.

          Charlie burst out laughing, "So the chocolates were meant for you after all."

          He explained to me how I was affected. Any time someone said my name, I would profess my love to them and admit my true feelings about them. My love would be fake due to the potion, but my compliments would not be. He thinks Peeves messed with the box on purpose for me.

          "So, what did you tell my brothers?" he asked.

           "From what I can remember, they're mostly handsome, tall, and strong," I replied shyly, "They wouldn't tell me anything else. Maybe I told them different things?"

          He thought about it, "Possibly, I haven't met anyone who can tell the difference between them so easily though. Merlin's beard, even our mum falls for their switching prank."

          I looked at Charlie's hand in mine. I didn't know what to say.

          "Well, no matter," he said, "Let's get back to the house, I'll give you a piggyback ride."

          I jumped on his back and we laughed on our way home. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now