Chapter Forty One: Twenty Four Hours

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          The last task is tomorrow. I've been counting the days and the tension was thick. I haven't seen Bill or Charlie anywhere. I went to breakfast and sat with Harry. He and I sat alone so we could focus. We discussed possibilities of the last task and what to do. Rather than risk extreme harm, we would forfeit and I thought it was a good plan. As usual, mail came and our owls flew to us. Midnight landed on my head and I received two letters.

          Mrs. Weasley said she was looking forward to meeting Isaac and that she and Bill would be here for us tomorrow. I was grateful to her. The second letter was from Isaac. He would come the day of the task, tomorrow morning. I was looking forward to seeing him. I decided to not respond since both senders would be here tomorrow.

          "Harry," I asked, "are you afraid?"

          He took my hand, "Of course I am, Mei."

          We went back to the common room and I went to my suitcase.

          Ginny surprised me, "Hey, Mei."

          I got up and forgot what I was looking for, "Hey, Ginny, you alright?"

          She hugged me, "You'll be brilliant tomorrow!"

          I kissed her head, "Thank you, little sister."

          She asked to go through my photos. I handed her all the photos I had.

          "You're popular," she teased.

          I had photos organized with the letters by person. She was surprised that I kept the clipping when we went to Egypt.

          "How come you don't have a picture with my brothers?" she asked.

          "I want one with them. Can you take our pictures tonight?" I asked.

          She agreed and that night I put on a black dress and the black shoes they got me.

          She agreed and that night I put on a black dress and the black shoes they got me

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          I waited for them to come back from dinner. When they came in, I asked if they could take a picture with me. They put on their white button downs and black slacks. Ginny took pictures of me dancing with George, dancing with Fred, dancing with them both, and then them kissing my hands together. We made copies of them. George said he was going to bed upstairs and Ginny had gone to bed after taking the pictures.

          "Fred?" I asked, "Will you dance with me, please?"

         He smiled and took me in his embrace. Being around him made me smile.

          "Stay with me tonight. Please," I requested.

          He lifted me in the dance, "Of course, love."

         We went to change and I was wearing my clothes for tomorrow. It was athletic track pants and a Gryffindor jersey. My hair was already in a high ponytail. I left my sneakers by the fire with my socks tucked in them.

          "Nervous?" he asked as he laid on the couch.

         I laid on him, "Terrified."

         He held me tight, "You got this. You're fast and smart."

         I kissed his cheek, "Thank you, love."

         He sighed and we both fell asleep. I have to stay alive. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now