Chapter Fifteen: Mad

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          I awoke to a very unhappy Ginny shaking us.

          "What are you two doing?" she asked.

          I opened my eyes and George was still asleep on me, "We were sleeping?"

          Ginny rolled her eyes at me, "Fred is furious."

          I blinked, "Why? He never showed up and it was his idea."

          Ginny flinched, "R-Really?"

         I stared at her, "Have I ever lied to you?"

          I was a little hurt and she saw.

         "I-I'm sorry, Mei. I didn't mean to hurt you," she stumbled on her words.

          George was now up, "Mei? Hurt? Who hurt Mei?"

          We laughed, "No one, silly boy. Your brother is just upset that we left him out."

          George got off of me and pulled me up, "That sounds like a personal problem for him."

          Ginny and I were getting dressed and we held arms together and skipped to the Great Hall.

          "You really are like my younger sister, Ginny," I confessed to her.

          She was very happy, "I love you like an older sister, Mei."

          We laughed, "I love you too, silly girl."

          At the Great Hall, I made sure Ginny had a seat and I told her I would be right back. I looked for Draco and he was early.

          I made my way to him and sat beside him, "Hey, handsome."

          He blushed, "Morning, beautiful. You're in a good mood."

          I smiled and held his hand, "I missed you though."

          He laughed and moved his hand from mine and put it around my waist, "I missed you, too, Mei."

          I whispered in his ear, "Astronomy tower tonight?"

          He blushed, "7pm?"

          I nodded and kissed his cheek as the Durmstrang boys were coming to breakfast. Mail was also arriving and Midnight perched on my head as I was going to my table. I bumped into Alexander and we made eye contact.

          "Alexander!" I said.

          Midnight dropped a letter and he caught it.

         "I'm sorry. This is my owl, Midnight. She must've had a hard time finding you to deliver that. I sent her with it last night," I said anxiously.

          He held out his hand, "It's alright."

          He had a Russian accent, naturally.

          I took his hand, "I'm Mei Potter. I'm a fourth year student in Gryffindor. It's a pleasure to meet you."

          He took my hand and kissed it, "The pleasure is all mine. It is also a pleasure to meet you, too, Midnight. You are both quite beautiful."

          I blushed and Midnight hooted in approval. I sat with him and introduced myself to his classmates while he read my letter. His classmates were entertained by Midnight staying on my head.

          He laughed when he finished reading my letter, "It is my first time in Scotland. Also, 'Dasvidaniya' means 'until we meet again.'"

          Ginny waved to me and I excused myself to sit with her. I was flustered.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now