Chapter Twenty Seven: Dresses

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         It was snowing all night and this morning. Thankfully it was a Saturday so I put on my thick black sweater from the match in summer and my thick jeans with leg warmers underneath. I pulled out the ring from under my sweater and displayed it on my chest. 'My bust can't still be growing, can it?' I thought as I looked in the mirror. I knew my hair would be up so I put my hair into a bun. I put on the beanie and scarf that Ron and Hermione got me and I looked at the gloves from the twins. I put them on because I really hate the cold. Hermione, Ginny, and I made our way down to the Great Hall. At breakfast, I saw the twins sitting closer than our friends and I figured I should at least say something when walked by.

          "Morning, boys," I said softly.

          "Morning, love," they said out of habit.

          Ginny laughed and told me the three of us were blushing.

          I had some pastries and a green apple when Cedric greeted us, "Morning, ladies."

          The two girls giggled and said "Morning, Cedric."

          I, however, am an idiot, "Mornin', babe."

          I flinched and so did the girls. Cedric's face was red.

          "Ok. I'm sorry. I, uh," I stumbled on my words, "morning, Cedric."

          He laughed at my red face. I wanted to disappear.

         "You girls going shopping?" he asked us.

          The girls talked to him as I was eating another apple, embarrassed.

          "Have fun, you three. And Mei?" he got my attention.

          I had the apple in my mouth as I looked at him and he came close to my face. His hand held my jawline and he took a bite out of it while it was still in my mouth. He kept eye contact with me the whole time and had a satisfied smirk on his face. I turned red from head to toe and his finger lightly left my face. 

          "Always a pleasure, baby," he said as he walked away, chewing the bite he stole.

          I was frozen. That was hot. Wow. I adore him.

          "Mei?" Ginny poked me.

         "Hmm?" I hummed, apple still in my mouth and turned to face her.

          "Don't look now but you got a lot of attention," Hermione teased.

          I thought she was joking. I looked up and saw the twins staring with red faces, Harry was frozen halfway moving his fork to his mouth, and Ron stopped eating.

          "Bloody hell," I muttered.

          I took the apple from my mouth and slammed my head on the table.

          "Can you two hurry up so we can go?" I mumbled.

          I was so happy Draco wasn't here. I got whistles from people as we left the Great Hall with the girls giggling behind me. We finally made our way to a dress shop. Hermione went first and after a few attempts, she came out in a beautiful purple dress, (the book is blue, the movie is pink, put them together and you get purple), with adorable frills and it flattered her figure nicely. Ginny had the cutest one. It was pastel colored and I think her mother would have adored it. I knew what I wanted. Draco likes black and I like blue. I looked for a dress with both and I came across an interesting one. It had a single shoulder strap and covered my cleavage. It hugged my upper body and flowed out towards the bottom. The back had four straps and you would be able to see parts of my back. The upper right part of the dress, where the strap met the chest, has rhinestones and by the left side of my waist, where the back straps met the dress, also had rhinestones. The dress starts black at the top, and it turns to blue when it reaches the end of my skirt. It was full length. I came out of the trying room and I loved it. We each bought our own dress.

          "Mei," Ginny asked, "what is that package for?"

          I had almost forgotten about it.

          "It's a surprise. Please wait outside for me?" I asked.

          They nodded and went to wait outside. I had gotten a hold of Ron's robes thanks to Harry and I was going to get him a rental for the ball. I needed to bring it because I didn't know his size. The lady at the shop was happy to help me and I paid for it. My surprise for the girls was going to be corsages for them. It was an American tradition for high school proms. I went outside with my gifts for them hidden, as well as Ron's rental. We headed back to the castle with our dresses and Hermione and Ginny also bought shoes.

          "I think Hermione will steal the show tomorrow. And Ginny will be the most popular third year after the ball," I boasted.

          "No way! You will definitely start a conversation with your date, Mei," Ginny teased.

          "Is Charlie alright? I sent him a letter for his birthday ahead of time but I haven't heard back," I mentioned to Ginny.

          She nodded, "That's normal. We're lucky if we hear from him monthly. He'll be alright."

          Back at the common room, we hid our dresses from nosy roommates who were still asking about our dates.

          "Just wait, you impatient boy," I poked George.

          He grumbled loudly, "But I miss you!"

          I covered his mouth too late. Fred was looking, so was Ron and Harry.

          "I'm going to bed. Without you. Absence makes the heart grow fonder," I said walking past everyone.

          "Or forgetful," said Fred softly as he purposely brushed his hand against mine when I passed him.

          I went to bed after brushing Ginny's hair. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now