Chapter Forty Three: Death

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          Harry and I screamed in pain as our scars burned.

          Cedric ran to me, "Mei, what is it?"

          I struggled to breath and form words, "Get.. ta the.. gup."

          A man came out of a house near us holding something. Our scars felt like they were on fire.

          "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

          I heard the spell and saw a flash of green pass me.

          "Cedric!" I screamed.

          His body landed with a loud thud.

          I crawled to him, "Babe, get up! Please! Cedric! Don't leave me!"

          My tears burned and I felt people pull me away from him. I thrashed and saw that Harry was being restrained. He cried for Cedric too. We were pinned against a massive tomb and Death Eaters surrounded us. The man that killed Cedric was Peter Pettigrew. He was holding a small deformed man. It was Voldemort. Peter went to Harry with a knife and a man with eyes I recognized came to me. His eyes flickered when he looked at me and quickly cut into my arm. Harry and I screamed at the pain. Our blood was put into a cauldron and the deformed man was put in with it.

          There was now a full fleshed Lord Voldemort in front of us. He didn't seem to notice us as he was yelling at the Death Eaters. The man that cut me was revealed to be Mr. Malfoy. I refused to look at him. Voldemort went to touch Cedric's body.

         "Don't you dare touch him!" I screamed.

         Harry screamed, "Stay away from him!"

         We got his attention. We were dropped from here we were being held up and Voldemort had to duel Harry. I received the Cruciatus curse from a death eater and stood weakly. Mr. Malfoy was ordered to duel me and fought with all I could. I knew he had to kill me or else he and his family would die. I had to live. Harry and I dueled side by side and from Voldemort's wand there was a light. People were coming to greet us. It was our parents, some individuals, and next to me was Cedric.

          "Baby, take my body back to my father. You can do it. I love you, Mei," he told me.

          Tears streamed down my face. This can't be happening. This can't be real.

          "You're ready, sweetheart. Get to the cup. Let go," our parents told Harry.

         The connection broke and I tackled Harry to Cedric's body.

         "Accio!" I screamed at the cup.

         It flew to us and Harry caught it. We landed at the maze entrance, in front of the whole stadium. I screamed, making Fleur scream at what she saw. Professor Dumbledore went to Harry. The twins were trying to get to me but were held back by Hagrid. Charlie and Isaac were trying to pull me off of Cedric.

         "No! I won't leave him!" I screamed.

          Harry told Professor Dumbledore what happened.

          "You both brought him home," he told us.

          Harry was being taken away by Professor Moody. I fought with Isaac and Charlie before collapsing in Isaac's arms.

          Mr. Diggory was distraught, "That's my boy! That's my son! No!"

          The stadium stood in silence in respect of our fallen student. A part of me died with him and it was all my fault. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now