Chapter Forty Six: MACUSA

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          It was the second to last day of school and Isaac had to leave a day early.

          "I'm sorry, Mei. I talked to the headmaster and we both decided that I have to report this to the MACUSA," he told me at breakfast.

          I understood. The students were quiet at breakfast and I knew they didn't want to talk about anything with me or around Harry and I.

          "Are you allowed to tell me what you're going to report?" I asked.

          He shook his head, "I promise you won't have to come back to America though."

          Isaac told me about the way America would be affected though. Dark magic is present everywhere. With the rise of a new figure, it would inspire future crime. He told me that the MACUSA are going to be watching traveling closely and schools will have more safety precautions.

          "Isaac?" I asked.

          "Yes, Mei?" he responded.

          "Do you believe me?" I asked softly.

          "Yes," he replied without any hesitation.

          I looked at him, "How?"

          He sighed, "That night, when you came back, you fought me and Charlie. You wouldn't stop crying. Your eyes also are not clouded by lies."

          I whispered, "Thank you, Isaac."

         We walked around the castle for the day.

         "Isaac," I asked, "will I still be able to mail you?"

          He took my hand, "I hope so. I worry about you. I need to know that you'll be safe. I've grown fond of you, Mei."

         I smiled a little, "I'm fond of you, too."

          The day went by quickly and I walked Isaac to the train station.

          He hugged me and kissed my forehead, "I will let you know when I'm in America. I hope you will be safe at the Burrow this summer."

          I waved to him as the train left. I walked slowly back to the castle. I missed Cedric. He didn't deserve to die. It shouldn't have been him. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now