Chapter Thirty: Imposter

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          Giggling woke us. For a second, I forgot where I was and so did Cedric. He sat up with me on him.

          "Morning, babe," I said half awake.

          "Morning, baby," he greeted.

          I froze. He laughed when he noticed I was fully awake now.

          "Bloody hell, how am I supposed to not attract attention," I thought out loud while looking at my dress.

          The girls from last night were named Maya and Mary. I was grateful to them. They were seventh years and they helped pin my dress up so it would look less obvious. Cedric went upstairs to change. He came back down with an extra robe.

          "No," I shook my head, embarrassed, "I refuse."

          He laughed, "Just return it to me tomorrow."

          I reluctantly put it on but I loved his scent and his cologne.

          "Do I make a good Hufflepuff?" I asked while showing off his robe.

          The girls laughed, "No! Too bold!"

          I laughed with them. The four of us walked to breakfast. I don't think anyone noticed. Well. I thought. The twins were shocked to see me with Cedric while wearing his robes. I quickly ate and made my way out when my poor habits got me caught. I was walking out with a green apple in my mouth.

          "Mei?" asked Harry.

          I slowly turned around and saw the trio with Ginny. I gave them a head tilt, like, 'What's up?' and turned and made a run for it to the common room. I got in the portrait and saw the damage I did the night before. I touched the bricks softly and went upstairs to change. Angelina was there.

          "Angelina?" I asked softly.

          "Mei!" she cried out and came to hug me.

          "I'm so sorry, Mei! I was so worried! And!" she got distracted, "And what are you wearing?"

          I blushed. I took it off to reveal my dress from last night. I explained to her what happened. She told me that she and Fred had a fight and she wasn't sure about him anymore. I apologized to her. I put on some casual clothes since it was winter break for students. I took out the diamonds and let my hair down fully and it dropped in curls. I put on my necklace and I just had a tank top on and shorts but I was going to wear something else after a bath. I was planning on staying indoors today so I wasn't worried about the snow outside. I grabbed my shower bag with some clothes and made my way back to the Great Hall. I got a whistle from some Hufflepuff guys and I waved. I bumped into Fred and George. Everyone was on edge after what happened last night.

          "Sorry," I muttered and walked past them.

          I went to sit with Draco.

          "Still wearing the ring?" he asked me.

          I didn't even notice I was but he was also wearing his. He held up my right and he held up his. He was showing us off. I laughed and then he saw my left hand.

          "What happened?" he asked.

          "Fought a fireplace and lost," I replied.

          He gently kissed it, "You're so peculiar, Mei."

          I winked at him, "Thank you."

          I told him I had to go to the infirmary and excused myself, taking another apple.

          It was just Moaning Myrtle and I in the baths today. We talked about her life and what I missed in second year with Harry. I laughed when she told me about Hermione messing up her Polyjuice Potion. It felt good to bathe, I felt weightless. I was getting dressed and thought about Cedric's robes. I blushed. I was probably going to spend the night with them. We still needed our date night and he promised to teach me how to climb a tree.

          I put on a green sweater and had my shorts. I used the socks from Dobby and laced up my boots. My hair was still wet so I kept it down. I put away the clothes I was wearing at breakfast, threw on my bag, and headed to the greenhouse. To my surprise, Charlie was there.

          "Oh! Hey, love!" he ran to me and spun me around.

          "Charlie! This is a lovely surprise!" I kissed his forehead.

          He told me what to feed my tiny dragon and I named her Vixen. Her scales were more orange than copper. He told me that her bites would hurt but she doesn't have enough venom to do any damage to me. He talked to Hagrid and he agreed to look after Vixen when I was on break. He lifted me once again onto the table.

          "May I see your scar?" he asked.

          I blushed and just spread my legs. His hands were rough and warm.

          "The scar should fade in about a month. It'll be faint but no one should notice unless they're close like this," he teased and kissed the scar again.

          I twitched and tried to hit him.

          He laughed and took my arm, "I'm glad it didn't scar, love. I am sorry I didn't help sooner."

          He kissed my arm. I tried to hide my left hand but he took it.

          "Mei?" he looked serious and undid the wrap.

          "Fred and I fought again. I punched a wall. I couldn't hit him," I explained.

          He sighed and licked the blood.

          I shuddered, "Charlie?"

          He laughed, "Sorry. I can't help it since I helped you at the first task. You taste sweet."

          I blushed, "Um, thank you."

          He wrapped my hand again and brushed the hair from my face. He kissed each of the small scars from the roses.

          He sighed, "I'm going to be around to help Hagrid. I don't want this happening again, Mei."

          I nodded.

          He lifted my chin and kissed me, "That's my good girl."

          He let himself out and I picked two roses for Maya and Mary. I went back to the Great Hall and gave the roses to Maya and Mary. They were so sweet and thanked me. I owed them. Cedric threw me another green apple and I caught it. I gave him a wink and headed to the Gryffindor table. I sat with Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

          "So," Ron started ,"where were you?"

          I sighed, "None of your business. It was your fault to begin with."

          Harry hugged me, "I heard what happened. You should go to the infirmary."

          Draco came up to us, "Mei, let's go."

          I took a pastry and went with him.

          "Sorry, Draco. I forgot. I was busy getting flowers and I needed a bath," I tried to explain.

          He took my right hand before we were out of the Great Hall, "Mei, it's ok. I just want to help."

          I sighed, I was relieved I didn't have to justify myself as much. Madam Pomfrey said it was a bad scrape and it'll bruise when it heals over. Draco and I went to the courtyard in front of the clock tower. We agreed to wear our matching rings for dates and events. It made me happy that I was with Draco. It almost made me forget I had a second task. Almost. I fell asleep with Cedric's robes and forgot them on my bed the next day.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now