Chapter Thirty Two: Plan

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          The next morning I told Ginny what the egg said and we were working on a way to hold my breath for an hour. I can swim decently but I can't hold my breath very long. We were in the library thinking about a plan. I told Harry what Cedric told me to do. I also gave Cedric his robes back, he seemed happy that I kept them for so long.

          Draco eventually found me in the library when Ginny left and he was helping me too. Finally, we came across a Bubble-Head Charm. It was advanced and I was in the bath practicing it every night. Finally, with the help of Cho, I could hold the Bubble-Charm for over an hour. Ginny helped me by being a distraction, tickling me or pulling me back underwater. I knew that Grindylow inhabited the lake and they were vicious. The history behind them is they would lure children to the edge of the water, pull them in, and drown them. I made a garter belt out of leather for my wand. My hands had damage and I didn't trust myself holding it all the time, especially if I'm swimming.

          A couple weeks passed and my garter belt was perfected. It was on my thigh right where my skirt ended and my robes covered it. I was making six for the girls, Cho, Hermione, Ginny, Maya, Mary, and Angelina. While eating with Alexander, Draco, and Blaise, our mail came in. I got letters from Mrs. Weasley and Isaac. Isaac informed me that he would be coming to the second task, two days from now, and he was looking forward to seeing me. Mrs. Weasley was worried about me, and I found out why. Fred got a Howler. She was furious with him for making me cry at the Yule Ball and for hurting me, either Percy or Charlie told her. Fred looked miserable being reminded about what happened. Everyone was quiet at their table. Draco was approached by Professor Snape.

          "Mr. Malfoy, Professor Dumbledore has asked to see you. Miss Potter, must you sit here?" he asked.

          Draco stood up and distracted Professor Snape by going with him.

          I rolled my eyes and Blaise noticed my thigh, "Blimey, Mei! What is that?"

          I stood and put my foot up on the bench. I took off my robe, flipped my hair over my shoulder and lifted my skirt an inch to show off my garter belt while I put my foot up on the bench. The Durmstrangs whistled and were impressed with my leather work. Pansy asked for one too. I glanced up and saw that Harry spit out his juice when I put on my show and George sent me a wink. Draco didn't return that day and the next day, no one saw him. On my way to breakfast, I saw a tall man who looked a little lost.

          I ran to him and hugged him from behind, "Isaac!"

          He laughed and turned around. He was so handsome. His brown hair was styled differently and his green eyes were gorgeous. 

          "Mei!" he exclaimed, "Look at you, you're beautiful!"

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          "Mei!" he exclaimed, "Look at you, you're beautiful!"

          He was happy to see me.

         "I missed hearing your accent, you New Yorker! Does Professor Dumbledore know you're here?" I asked.

          He shook his head and laughed, "Forget about it! I was on my way to his office but I can't remember my way."

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now