Chapter Forty Two: Maze

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          In the morning, George showed me the pictures he took of Fred and I sleeping. I put mine in my suitcase. I went to the Great Hall and ate something suited for endurance today. The first two tasks were endurance based and I wasn't taking any chances. Everyone was bursting with excitement. Draco tossed a green apple to me on my way out. He gave me a wink and I blew him a kiss.

          The competitors and I were being led to the Quidditch pitch, only now it was massively overgrown. The last task was going to be held at nightfall and we were to wait at the stadium. Food was provided and I made sure to stay hydrated. It has to be a maze. If it were held in the day, we could use the clouds, and at sunset, we would follow the horizon. Thanks to my time in the astronomy tower, I could use the North star.

          We heard the faintest noise of creatures and I knew it would be full of traps and encounters. The cup would be in the center. Cedric and I were using the same starting point since we were tied. Harry would go first, then us, followed by Viktor, and lastly Fleur. I didn't get a chance to talk to Viktor but he should be fine. We heard the stadium being filled and I wondered if Mr. Malfoy would be with Draco.

          We heard the band playing and we were led out. Mrs. Weasley and Bill took Harry, Isaac greeted me and I stood with him. Mr. Diggory took Cedric's hand and held it up in victory. I smiled at his father as he acknowledged me. The Headmaster and Headmistress stood by Viktor and Fleur. I think Bill caught Fleur's eye. The task was simple. Get to the cup. We stood in our position and waited. The cannon sounded and Harry went first. Cedric and I were up next and when the cannon sounded we went in. The maze closed behind us.

          "Cedric, wands out," I said as I got mine from my garterbelt.

          I took his hand and he trusted my direction. I followed the North star and we battled beasts. I came face to face with an acromantula and stunned it away. Suddenly we heard a woman scream.

          "Fleur!" I cried out.

          She was too far away and when we turned a corner, Viktor was there. He went straight for Cedric.

          "Stupefy!" I cried and hit Viktor.

          Cedric sent a flare from Viktor's wand. We could see the cup down an alley of thorns and Cedric took my hand and we ran for it. Something wrapped around my leg and I went down.

          "Cedric! Get the cup!" I yelled at him.

          I was in Devil's Snare.

          "I'm not leaving you!" Cedric shouted.

          He casted a blinding light and helped me up. We were almost at the cup when the snare retaliated. When we both went down, Harry found us and saved us. He looked like hell. Apparently he had faced a boggart. The three of us stood at the cup.

          "Cedric, take it," I said.

          "No. Three of us. Together," he said.

          "Harry, I love you. Cedric, I love you, too, Hufflepuff boy," I said to them.

          "I love you, too, Mei," Harry said and we squeezed hands.

          "Mei, I love you, too, you wonderful girl," Cedric said.

          "On three. One," I said.

          "Two," said Harry.

          "Three," Cedric counted and the three of us took the cup.

          We spun around and landed in a dark cold place. Cedric got up to look around as Harry helped me up.

          "I think we've been here before, Mei," he said.

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