Chapter Seven: Portkey

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          George woke us in the morning.

          "Oi! Lovers!" he teased.

          I threw a pillow at him. I got up and went to my room to get dressed. Today was the day of the match and I knew it was a sports event. I put my hair into a high ponytail and threw on my black sweater and jeans. I laced up my boots and saw Hermione going to wake Ron and Harry. I have no idea when or how she got here but I got my bag for the camping trip and headed down for breakfast.

          "Morning, love," George said in my ear and kissed my cheek.

          I jumped because Charlie was watching and quickly got up to follow suit.

          "Morning, love!" he held my face while he kissed my other cheek.

          "Well, where am I supposed to kiss now?" Fred asked.

          I was flustered after last night when we were kissing and how he wanted me to himself. He smiled at me and kissed me in front of his two brothers.

          "If only I waited and then I could've kissed her!" Charlie complained.

          I hid behind Fred and stuck my tongue out at Charlie. We were supposed to head out sooner but Ron and Harry overslept. I threw Harry a green apple and ate mine on the walk. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were ahead of us. I was running to catch up to the twins. Mr. Weasley claimed he was foggy about where we were going but I was worried about leaving Mrs. Weasley behind. She had fought with the twins before we left so I wanted to cheer them up. The siblings were so different as I saw Percy, Charlie, and Bill together.

          "Arthur!" came a loud voice that I heard once before.

          It was Mr. Diggory. I couldn't see Cedric though. Did Mr. Diggory come alone? We were reintroduced to him and it was a pleasure. Out of nowhere, Cedric jumped from the tree we were standing under and landed in front of me.

          "Cedric!" I gasped and then hugged him.

          "Mei! You were looking for me, weren't you?" he greeted as he spun me around.

          Mr. Diggory commented on how close we were.

          "I was! Can you teach me to climb a tree like that?" I asked.

         "Sure!" he agreed.

          The twins greeted Cedric and we made our way to an old boot on the hill.

          "It's a portkey," the twins explained.

          Everyone was grabbing hold of it except for me.

          "Mei!" called Cedric.

          I grabbed the boot, brushing his hand. We were sent into the sky, spinning wildly and screaming. Mr. Weasley instructed us to let go and one by one we did. I landed on top of George.

          "Sorry, George," I apologized.

          "Don't worry about it, Mei," he laughed as I helped him up.

          Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory and Cedric gracefully landed.

          "Showoff," I teased Cedric and he took a leaf out of my hair.

          "It takes practice," he said.

          Percy had to report to the Ministry since he started work with them once we got to the campgrounds. We had our own tent separate from the Diggorys and Cedric told me that we would see them again at the top. What top? The top of what?

          The outside of the tent looked normal sized to me, but on the inside was a huge spacing. There was a small living room, a kitchen with a table, and the girls even had their own room. The twins were scolded for having their feet on the table. Ginny, Hermione, and I put away our things and I pulled the ring out from under my thick sweater.

          "That's from Draco, isn't it?" Hermione asked.

          I nodded and placed it nicely around the collar of my sweater and grabbed a small backpack. Ginny didn't say anything about the necklace. We made our way out to see the boys painting their faces. The twins had a bet that Ireland would win and were sporting their colors. I didn't get a chance to paint my face but I brought it with me as we made our way to the stadium. I put a rag towel in my backpack with the paint for later. Maybe one of the boys could give me Ireland's colors too.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now