Chapter Eleven: Angelina

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          At the train station I ran into Neville. We had a lovely reunion and I caught a glimpse of a tall classmate.

          "Dean!" I called out as I hugged him from behind.

          He laughed and turned around, in front of him was Seamus.

          "Seamus!" I hugged him too.

          We were talking about the Quidditch World Cup until the trio called me back, "I'll see you boys later!"

          I waved at them. They were definitely taller than me.

          I was saying my goodbyes to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and when their backs were turned, Charlie started kissing up my arm, "I will miss you, Mei! Write to me!"

         He slipped a note to me in my shorts as the twins carried him off to the platform exit. The note was sweet encouragement and that he would see me soon. The family waved as they went back to the muggle world. We boarded the train and I stayed with the trio.

          As usual, when we changed into our robes, I went to see the twins. Angelina was with them, as well as Lee. Fred was sitting next to Angelina and I sat in between George and Lee. Lee didn't mind at all.

          "Hey, Lee! Hey, Angelina!" I greeted as I sat down.

          "Hey, Mei!" Lee greeted me back as he put an arm around me.

          I smiled and messed my bangs shyly.

          "Damn! You look gorgeous! You sure you're a fourth year?" he teased me.

          "Hey, Mei. I like your bangs," Angelina greeted.

          "Thank you! And-" I said but got cut off.

          "Yup, she's a fourth year, our mum cuts her hair," George responded for me.

          "Wanna nap, Mei?" Lee asked as he pulled me into him.

          I looked at Fred and he nodded to me that it was ok. I know Angelina noticed and she sighed. I think she likes Fred. I drifted off thinking about it as Lee and I fell asleep.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now