Chapter Thirty Eight: Defense

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          Harry and I were finally contacted by Sirius in April. He told us to practice defensive spells. Knowing that Charlie was here, I knew it had to do with beasts and creatures. Harry and I took turns dueling and although my offensive spells were fine, my defense spells challenged me. Harry was the opposite. He and I practiced our Patronus spells too. Thanks to Professor Moody, Harry and I could resist the Imperius curse.

          It was the twin's birthday on the 1st and I got them both a bag that was nearly bottomless like my suitcase. They kissed my cheeks in thanks. Things were nearly normal with them. Fred and I did finally have our talk. I was with Draco and I would live without regrets. I didn't regret that nothing happened with Fred. If it were meant to be, I would wait for the stars to align. Right now, I want to be with Draco. He understood and we were sad but we didn't want to lose each other. We did laugh that it would be awkward if I was dating him and I was living with them over break. Fred was my first kiss and he always has a place in my heart.

          One night, the trio and I went with Hagrid to the Forbidden Forest. We were trying to get our minds off the last task as we knew it would be massive. It was taking months to build and I saw less and less of Charlie. Bill was a mystery. I didn't bring up my meeting with him because I didn't know if anyone knew he was here. Harry and I were talking until we came to a bowler hat that belonged to Percy's boss, Mr. Crouch. The second I saw Mr. Crouch's feet, I fainted.

          Harry's POV: "Mr. Crouch?" I asked.

          I saw Mei beside me falling and I grabbed her. I think she fainted. I called Hagrid and told Ron and Hermione to stay there. They were worried when I was holding Mei. Hagrid helped me put her on my back and I took her to the infirmary. Ron and Hermione stayed behind with Mei and I went to Professor Dumbledore's office. On my way, I saw the twins in the Great Hall. I'm pretty sure her relationship with them was mending.

          "Fred, George," I called them.

          "Yes?" they both asked as they looked at me.

          I don't know how Mei can tell them apart. She was always close with them.

          "Um, Mei fainted when we were out with Hagrid. She's in the infirmary with Ron and Hermione, if you want to see her," I explained.

          They got up quickly and I think George grabbed a green apple. I hastily went to Draco's table.

          "What do you want, Pottah?" he asked immediately.

          I don't know why Mei likes him.

          I got angry, "You know what Malfoy, forget it. I was trying to be nice for Mei but I don't know why she likes you. She isn't coming to dinner tonight. I don't have to tell you why."

          I left despite him calling me and I went to the stairwell for Professor Dumbledore's office. {END}

          Fred's POV: Mei fainted? Why? I'm glad Harry went to us first. I doubt Draco will come if Harry doesn't tell him. Hermione was holding Mei's hand and Ron was resting his head on his crossed arms on the other side of Mei's bed. I went to her head and brushed the bangs to see her scar from the Whomping Willow. I was upset with myself that I couldn't save her last year.

          "Hey, silly girl? How long are you going to sleep?" I asked. {END}

          I heard Fred's voice.

          "Fred?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

          "There's my love," he said as he kissed my forehead.

          "Hey, silly boy. What happened?" I asked.

          Hermione tried to explain and the color drained from my face.

          George rubbed my cheek, "You're getting pale. You don't have to tell us."

          Ron touched my hands, "Mei, stop."

          I was gripping the bed sheets so hard that my knuckles were white.

          "I don't want to talk about it," I said softly.

          I let Fred carry me to the Great Hall and I had the green apple that he brought me.

          Draco ran to me, "Mei!"

          Fred put me down and kissed my head. I knew he cared about me and was worried. Draco held my hand and took me to his table.

          "What happened? Your brother wouldn't tell me. I thought you weren't coming to dinner," he said.

           I laughed a little. They probably fought.

          "I just saw something scary in the forest. I really don't want to talk about it though. Please?" I pleaded.

          He kissed head, "I understand."

          I ate my apple and I saw Harry coming back.

          He waved at me to come and I kissed Draco, "I'll explain tomorrow, I promise."

          Harry told me, Ron, and Hermione what he saw in Professor Dumbledore's office. The next morning, I told Draco what happened in my greenhouse.

          He held me tightly, "I worry about you, stupid girl."

          I kissed him, "I'm sorry. I worry about you, too, stupid boy."

          I loved kissing him.

          "I saw your dad at the second task. Did he tell you anything?" I asked.

          Draco kissed my neck, "He was impressed."

          Draco pulled my hair back and I was forced to give him my neck. He bit down and began giving me a hickey. I moaned and he pulled me closer.

          "That should be there for a while," he smiled, satisfied at his hickey on my neck.

          We kissed and went to breakfast and spent the day together.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now