Chapter Twenty Six: Dates

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          I was avoiding everyone as if I was Professor Snape. Until we had study hall with him. I sat with my brother, Ron and Hermione. We were across from the twins. I kept holding in my laughter when Professor Snape kept hitting Ron and Harry for talking. People were relieved to finally see the twins and I together asleep, despite Angelina and Harry thinking it was inappropriate. Ron, Harry, and I didn't have dates and it was obvious. I  kept turning people down. My brother and Ron were just awkward. I had just finished my assignment when Fred was egging Ron on.

          "Who are you going with then?" Ron asked Fred.

          Fred and I looked at each other but I was standing up to turn in my assignment instead. Fred threw a paper ball at Angelina and I knew what was going to happen next. I felt tears forming and George was mad. This really sucked. Just when I thought I was going to be with Fred.. At least I knew Draco and I were more serious, even if we were keeping it a secret.

          "You git. You couldn't have just waited, could you?" he growled.

          I never saw George angry before. Fred realized his mistake too late. Ron and Hermione fought and she and I were leaving the Great Hall upset. I took her to my greenhouse.

          "You like Draco, don't you?" she asked me.

          I can't lie, "I do."

          She hugged me, "I'm sorry about Fred. I saw how close you two are."

          I corrected her, "Were."

          She gave me a weak smile, "Do you really not have a date, Mei?"

          I sighed, "Draco hasn't asked me, I don't think he will."

          She was shocked, "Why?"

          I explained to her, "I saw his father in the stands. He might come to the Yule Ball. If he does, what would he say if Draco was my date? Also, I don't know how some people might react. Especially Harry."

          She thought it over, "You make good points."

          I started to dance with Hermione, "I think we need a girls day out."

          She laughed, "Let's get Ginny then. We can look for our dresses today."

          I looked outside, "How about tomorrow? It's nearly dark now."

          She agreed and we went to get dinner at the Great Hall.

          "Mei, I-" Fred tried to greet me but I walked right past him.

          "It's fine," I said emotionlessly.

          George wasn't speaking to Fred and he sat with the trio, Ginny, and I.

          "Mei, go with me to the Yule Ball," George requested loudly.

          "No," I said immediately and took a bite out of my apple.

          Everyone got quiet and were in shock.

          He looked down, "Alright, Mei."

          I kissed the top of his head, "Not because I don't like you. But you already made Fred more upset. He heard you."

          We looked at Fred, he was mad. I excused myself and sat with Draco.

          "Mei," Alexander greeted, "do you still not have a date to the ball?"

         Draco was surprised.

          "No luck," I responded.

          "Mei," Draco whispered in my ear, "I thought that twin just asked you."

          I put my head down, "I said no."

         Draco was quiet and rubbed my back.

          "Mei," he asked, "can we go to your greenhouse?"

          I looked up at him, "Now?"

          He looked serious, "Now."

          We excused ourselves and made our way to my greenhouse. Draco saw the damage of my temper.

          "Looks like a fair fight," he commented, seeing my damaged rose bushes.

          I laughed, "Why did you need to come here?"

          He held my hands, "Mei, be my date to the Yule Ball."

          I kissed him, "Yes."

          He was shocked, "Were you waiting for me to ask you, stupid girl?"

          I threw a folded sheet at him, "That's a list of everyone who asked me. You were making me worry, stupid boy."

          He read through the list, "Fred isn't on here?"

          I went to my roses to distract myself, "He asked one person and she said yes."

          Draco stood behind me and took my hands from my plant, "Mei."

          He moved the hair from my neck and kissed me there.

          I purred, "Draco."

          His hands were on my waist and he pulled me back into him, "I'm sorry I didn't ask you sooner, stupid girl."

          My hands ran through his hair, "Stupid boy, tell me what color you like."

          He growled in my ear, "Black."

          I mewed and felt him bite my ear. It started to get cold and we saw snow falling on the roof of the greenhouse. He escorted me back inside the castle and he kissed me goodnight in the hall.

          "Good night, Mei," he said as he tucked a strand of hair behind the ear he bit.

          "Good night, Draco," I said as I blushed.

         I limped back to the common room and Ron was in shock. He tried to ask Fleur but ended up screaming at her. Fleur must be startled by that. Harry asked the Patil twins to be their dates. I was rubbing my ear and made eye contact with Fred.

          George was next to him and he came up to me and spun me around, "Hey, love."

          It's been a while since I heard that name.

          "Hey, George," I greeted.

          Fred looked annoyed.

          "No date?" George asked casually.

          "Actually.." I started.

          George was intrigued and Fred was staring at me.

          "It doesn't matter," I said simply and went upstairs.

          Hermione sat on my bed, "I'll tell you my date if you tell me yours."

          I giggled.

          Ginny joined us, "Me too."

          I revealed to them that it was Draco. Ginny was a little upset since I turned down George and Hermione was a little worried. I explained to them that I just want to be happy and Draco has done that for me.

          "Yeah, he does have a soft spot for you," Hermione thought out loud.

          "He did save you from the Whomping Willow last year," Ginny reminded us.

          Hermione told us her date was the seeker, Viktor Krum. We were so happy for her. Ginny told us that Neville had asked her to go and I thought it was cute. Hermione reminded us it was getting late. I nodded. We went to bed together on my bed and I could hear most girls commenting about who my date could be. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now