Chapter Forty Five: My Twins

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          Harry gave me the money from the tournament. He failed in giving them to Mr. and Mrs. Diggory and they told us goodbye and left after the services. The twins would spend the nights with me, supervised by Isaac, in the common room. However, I woke up screaming every night since Cedric's death. It was the same nightmarish reality I was reliving. Isaac had business with Professor Dumbledore and I was free to be alone for the day. I finally saw Draco and he apologized for not being with me. He told me that his father and him had a fight the morning of the last task after I left. He was forbidden to go to the stadium and was left under supervision at the castle the past days.

          He held me tight, "I know you and that Hufflepuff were close. I'm sorry."

          I cried in Draco's arms, "I couldn't protect him. It was my fault."

          He shushed me, "Mei. You brought him back here. I'm proud of you. I love you. And you're here and you're safe. That's what he would've wanted."

          I nodded and he wiped my face. I saw the twins coming into the Great Hall.

          "Draco, I need to talk to them. Will you meet me tonight at the Astronomy tower? 7pm?" I asked softly.

          He kissed me, "Yes. Go talk to them."

          I ran to the twins, "I need you in the greenhouse. Now."

          They grabbed some food and Fred put a green apple in my mouth. They took my hands as we went to my sanctuary. Peeves even gave me his condolences on the way there. When we were there, I shared my apple with Vixen.

          "Boys," I said, "you want your own joke shop, right?"

          They were both braiding my hair, "Yeah."

         I kissed their cheeks, "You've both been here for me. I appreciate you both. You need to promise to not tell your mum."

          They were confused, "Not tell our mum what?"

          I gave them the prize money from the tournament.

         Fred refused, "Mei. I can't."

          George was silent.

         "Please. The Diggorys already refused Harry and I twice. Harry won't touch it and he gave it to me. You're my twins. I love you both. Please take it," I pleaded.

         They were quiet and eventually accepted it.

          "Mei, you are wonderful," George said.

        "We love you," Fred said.

          I hugged them, "I can't lose either of you."

         After eating dinner with the twins, I went to the astronomy tower. Draco met me and he held me close.

         "Draco, I know about your dad," I finally confessed to him and showed him the scar on my arm.

         Draco sighed and he couldn't look at me.

        "I don't care," I said.

          He looked at me, "What?"

          Draco was leaning against the pillar and I pressed myself against him, "I'm not going to tell anyone. I don't care. You aren't your father."

         Draco ran his hands through my hair, "Are you stupid, girl?"

          I kissed him, "Kiss me like you mean it, stupid boy. I love you."

         He smiled, "I love you, too."

         He kissed me deeply and passionately. I missed him and I need him.

          "Draco," I said, "please stay with me."

          We went to my greenhouse and the bed was still there. For the first time, we spent the night together and for the first time since the last task, I was able to sleep throughout the night. 

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now