Chapter Ten: Letters

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          Mr. and Mrs. Weasley let us sleep for a bit as they made breakfast. They let everyone sleep in. Hermione and Ginny were the first ones up.

          "Mei! Get up!" Ginny woke me.

          "Hmm?" I mumbled.

          Fred buried himself into me.

          "No, stay," he grumbled.

          "Mmkay, I'll stay," I said and I rubbed his back and George squeezed my hand.

          "What's going on?" he asked.

          Charlie jumped down from the stairs with a booming thud.

         "Morning all!" he said excitedly.

          He helped George get up for breakfast.

          He messed up Fred's and my hair, "You too, up."

          Fred was grouchy to get up from my embrace but held my hand to the table. Midnight flew in with my usual letters. Seamus, Dean, Neville, Draco, Cho, Blaise, and Isaac all wrote to me over summer. When Hermione was with her family, I would write to her too. Sometimes I would write to Cedric but he lived nearby. Cho and Blaise were surprisingly easy to get along with and the boys from Gryffindor were as you expect. I always enjoy writing with Isaac and I filled him in on what happened with the Quidditch World Cup.

          I would send Isaac a lot of drawings that I made over my stay at the Burrow. I made more portraits of the family and I even got Mr. Weasley a set for himself. I drew a portrait of Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley together in the living room. I sketched Percy while he was working at the dining table. I made the twins model together in their room. Ginny posed for me when I dressed her up. Lastly, I drew Ron when he was sleeping on the couch. Percy ended up working at the Ministry and the man who interrogated us at the camp was his boss, Mr. Barty Crouch. There was a lot of mystery over an event that was going to be held at Hogwarts. Fred and I spent more time bonding together and I spent my own time with George. We did spend time all together too.

          Over the summer, I was sending birthday letters to a few friends. The ones who had birthdays during July and August were Cho, Neville, Harry and I, Isaac, and Blaise. I gave them small gifts and a heartfelt letter. I had forgotten that Harry and I shared a birthday since I had a different one from being adopted. The Weasley family surprised the both of us on the last day of July with a birthday party. The twins really want to have their own joke shop and I support them. They've been making a lot of products and I told them I would smuggle them into my suitcase. They were confused and I realized that Ron was the only one who saw me IN my suitcase.

          I took them to my room and opened my suitcase. They were amazed. I went in and grabbed some dresses. I was about to fall in if Fred didn't grab my waist. He pulled me back and I was leaning back on him against the bed frame. Hermione walked by and was intrigued. When Fred pulled me out, my stash of letters was stuck in the folds of my dresses and fell on the floor without me noticing. As I was explaining the concept to Hermione, I noticed George holding my letters from Isaac.

          "George," I warned, "those are mine."

          He winked at me and tossed them back to me.

          "Hiding something, love?" Fred asked.

          I shook my head and held up the bundle, "I try to keep all my letters organized, these are just from Mr. Rose."

          He nodded and realized he was still holding my waist. He didn't let me go, he held me closer.

          "Hermione," I asked, "do you think these are 'formal'?"

          She looked at them, "I don't think so. We can go shopping later though, how does that sound?"

          I was happy, "Sure! We can bring Ginny, too."

          Hermione nodded, took note of the charm for my endless suitcase, and left.

          "We'd better get ready for bed, boys," I said as I put my dresses away.

          The day after tomorrow, we were going back to Hogwarts. The twins kissed my cheeks.

          "You sure you'll be ok by yourself?" they asked.

          I nodded and they wished me a good night. I closed the door behind them and rested my back against it. I slid down and read the letter from Draco that I had gotten this morning.

'Dear Mei,

          I hope you're doing well. I heard what happened after the match. If you're reading this then you must be ok. My father told me there was going to be an event at Hogwarts; one that has to do with glory and money. Are you interested in such things? I hope to see you very soon.

Your Draco.'

          I smiled. He can be sweet if he chooses to be. My Draco? That's kind of cute. I thought about it. I don't want wealth or fame. I wanted something simple like this. I opened my window and Midnight flew in. I began heating my wax while I wrote my letter to Draco.

'Dear Draco,

          I am fine. I had a nasty fall during the chaos but I am ok. We got back home safely. I heard there was going to be a formal event but I don't own any formal dresses. I don't care for fame or wealth. I'm interested in simple things, and I want to do things that make me happy. I look forward to seeing you too.

Your Mei.'

          I felt a little different when it came to Draco compared to the twins. I put on some red lipstick and kissed the upper left corner of the paper. I also looked for my muggle perfume, 'Rose Quartz,' and it had a great effect on Fred. He couldn't keep his hands off me; I was surprised it wasn't magic. I wanted to know what it would do to Draco so I sprayed it on the letter. I stamped the bottom right of the page with the wax seal Isaac gave me. The month of August had gone by so quickly. I couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts.

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