Chapter Thirty Seven: March

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          It was Seamus's and Ron's birthday on the first of March. I gave Seamus a set of fireworks since I know he likes fire and explosions. For Ron, I made him a cake and we took a picture together by Hagrid's hut. I was really enjoying taking pictures with everyone. I got permission from Headmistress Olympe Maxime to have a group picture with her and her students. We took the picture in the Great Hall and I stood in between Fleur and Gabrielle. They were both still wearing the matching necklaces. We were all waving and smiling together and I kept the photo with my prized possessions.

          Over the weekends, I would go watch all the Houses during Quidditch practice. Cho offered to teach me and she taught me some basics. I wasn't anywhere near a seeker status but I always stayed to watch Cedric. Draco was excellent at Quidditch too. I wasn't allowed to watch Gryffindor's practice because I was a 'distraction' according to Oliver Wood, the team captain. One time, the twins were goofing off and nearly flew into Dean and Harry.

          I heard very little from our Godfather, Sirius. I trusted Harry to inform me if he heard anything from him. Harry and I were sharing nightmares again and I talked to Draco about it. He could only comfort me and I appreciated him. When I told the twins that Harry and I share nightmares, they had no explanation. Even though the twins were always together since birth, they didn't share dreams and nightmares.

          I had finished the garter belts for the girls when I had time to work on it. Hermione, Ginny, Cho, and Angelina had brown garter belts and I engraved their initials on it so they would know who's who's. Mary and Maya had light brown garter belts and I also made their initials into it. Lastly, I made Pansy's garter belt black and engraved her initials into it. I painted her initials in green. They all loved it and it made me happy to see them use it. Soon, I was making all the girls one in the dorm and it was becoming a trend. The twins told me to sell it and I refused.

          Most people made gossip that I was doing it to gain popularity. Rita Skeeter was making more tabloids about Hogwarts. No one knew how she was getting the information but Hermione had a theory and she put me to the test. She sent me a letter to meet her in my greenhouse. She confided to me that George told Fred and the trio where I was when I went missing. My dragon wasn't a secret on campus but my greenhouse technically was. Professor Dumbledore said it was ok to keep Vixen there.

          It was our sanctuary. I was playing with Vixen when Hermione came in. Vixen wrapped her body around my neck and nuzzled my chin. Hermione wasn't a bit surprised about my dragon but she was carrying a beetle in a jar. The top was sealed with holes for air.

          "Hermione," I was surprised, "since when do you catch insects?"

          She laughed, "It's actually Rita Skeeter."

          The beetle inside paced angrily. The little feet tapped loudly in the jar. She set it in front of Vixen and Vixen was interested in it. She slithered from my neck and began circling the jar on the table. The beetle kept backing up to the glass, afraid. The patterns on the beetle resembled Rita Skeeter's glasses. 

          "I'll make a deal with you, Rita," I said, "If you agree to not come back and spy on us, then I'll hold Vixen as we release you. However, if we catch you again, we're taking you straight to Professor Dumbledore."

          Hermione also had a request, "If you agree to stop writing about me, then I won't take you to Professor Dumbledore now."

          The beetle paced.

          "Also, if you agree to leave and not come back, we won't follow you," I added.

          The beetle stopped pacing.

          "Keep pacing if you want to make a better deal or buzz your wings if you agree and understand the terms," I said to her, holding Vixen.

          After a few minutes, she buzzed her wings. Hermione took her outside and let her go.

          "Hopefully that's the last we'll hear of her," Hermione said as I came outside.

          I laughed, "I have to go to Hagrid's and talk to them about something."

          She nodded, "Be safe, Mei. It's not safe out here."

          I nodded and skipped to Hagrid's hut. When I knocked, Bill answered.

          "Bill!" I smiled, "How are you?"

          He smiled and let me in, "Mei, been a while."

          I nodded, "I'm looking for Hagrid or Charlie."

          He tilted his head, "What for?"

          I rubbed the back of my neck, "I need to find a Boggart."

          He was in shock, "What? Why?"

          I explained what happened last year, "When Professor Lupin had me face a Boggart, it was Sirius Black. I'm not afraid of him anymore. I don't know what I fear anymore."

          He offered me some tea, "Why do you need to face a Boggart now?"

          I drank the tea, "The last task is going to be anything. I just want to be prepared. Maybe I'm being paranoid?"

          He laughed, "You're a smart girl. Charlie won't be coming tonight, I'm sorry."

          I finished my tea, thanked Bill for the company, and headed to the Black Lake. The headmaster of Durmstrang was standing there, facing the Black Lake.

          He saw me and bowed to me, "You are Mei Potter."

          I bowed to him, "Headmaster Karkaroff, forgive me if I interrupted your thoughts."

          He spoke softly, "I apologize for our initial meeting."

          When we were interrogated by the headmasters the night me and my twin were chosen by the goblet, he was most vocal and against it.

          I shook my head, "I understand your reaction, sir. You should be proud of your champion. I heard he faced the dragon fearlessly."

          He smiled, "Thank you, Miss Potter. Alexander speaks highly of you and your talents. I was wrong though, you and your brother have proven your capability in these tasks. I was impressed by your quick thinking in the second task."

          I was surprised, he was offended when Viktor was placed third. He quickly excused himself and I was left alone with my thoughts.

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