Chapter Thirty Five: Beauxbatons

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          Everyone celebrated me and the twins in the morning, even Angelina. We woke up and smiled. It almost felt like old times. I got dressed and classes were in session. I put on my uniform, garter belt, necklace, and robes. Ginny and I skipped to breakfast. I greeted the trio and went to sit with my twins. Peeves was happy to see us together again and started a food fight in our honor. Durmstrang fought hard and the Beauxbatons even had fun getting dirty. I think it was a great stress reliever and I thanked Peeves.

          Fleur and I bonded since the second task. The next morning, I put on the Beauxbatons uniform. It looked really good on me. I was going to spend the day with them and when I came out of the dorm, everyone was shocked.

          "Blimey! Mei! Where did you get that?" George asked.

          Fred whistled at me as I spun.

          "Fleur gave it to me for Christmas," I said.

          I was on my way out when I heard Ron, "Bloody hell!" and then getting hit by Harry.

          I was skipping to the Great Hall and Cedric nearly spit out his drink when he saw me.

          "Mei! Are you transferring?" he asked.

          He spun me around. I adore Cedric.

          "No. I wanted to spend the day with them," I answered.

          He tucked my hair behind my ear. He's always so sweet and gentle.

          "Do you think I'm pretty enough to be one of them?" I teased.

          "No," he teased, "you're absolutely gorgeous."

          I blushed, "Since when are you a sweet talker, Hufflepuff boy?"

          He kissed my hand, "You love it, you wonderful girl."

          I made my way to Draco and he almost didn't recognize me.

          "Mei?" he asked.

          I pulled out my necklace, "Yes, darling?"

          He blushed and kissed my cheek, "You're too cute in that outfit."

          I laughed, "Thank you."

          I grabbed a green apple and bit into it. People must've been confused when they saw Draco with a girl in a Beauxbatons uniform so I teased Draco. I took off the hat and my hair gracefully fell down my back.

          "Like I said, too cute," he growled in my ear as I purred.

          "Darling, I'll be with an all girls school and," I whispered in his ear, "I want you, Draco."

          He moaned softly and blushed. I kissed his cheek and skipped with the apple in my mouth. The twins whistled at me and I bowed to them. I saw an apple coming at me and I caught it, earning many claps but who threw it? It was Charlie! I ran to him and he picked me up and spun me around.

          "Since when were you seventeen?" he teased.

          I laughed, "That would still make you four years older than me, Charlie."

          He put me down, "Yeah, I know, seven years difference."

          I laughed, "I'm too young for you."

          He rolled his eyes and escorted me to the Ravenclaw table. The girls liked Charlie and he kissed my hand as he left. The girls loved me in their uniform.

          "Is it really for me to keep?" I asked Fleur.

          "Of course!" she reassured me.

          The day with them was hard. I think their headmistress liked me since I was attempting to learn all of this in a day. She was greatly amused. They had to have proper posture and speak politely. They greatly respected their headmistress as well. The girls told me the stories of their campus and traditions. I was flattered that they called me beautiful. Before dinner, I changed back to my Hogwarts robes and picked them all roses. I gave the best one to the headmistress first and told her how impressive the school sounded from what her students told me. She was pleased and I gave all the girls a rose as well. I wanted a picture with them all before they left.

Mei Potter, Year Four | Twin from AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now