Chapter 1- Ordinary

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Xu Lyn stretch her back after she throw the garbage from the restaurant that shes working in.

The sorroundings are dimly, it was kinda eerie but for Xu Lyn it was just a normal sight, she doesnt even worry even there is a hooligan in the narrow path, having a looks and body that nobody would pay attention is her strength and weakness.

Weakness because having an ordinary looks and body is always snubbed by people, so untill now at the age of 25 she never experience a romantic encounter, or never tried to have a crush or like because of her appearance, maybe because of her look that is why she will subconciously avoid people, so working in the kitchen is best for her, she is extremely timid person that is why her life is only working and reading.

Strength because nobody will bother her or will cast a second glance at her, and any hooligan will just pass by her so she is not afraid even at the dark.

Xu Lyn laugh at herself when she think about, shaking her head she walked back at the back door of her working place.

While changing her work clothes a plump middle aged came to her

"Xiao Lyn its already this late would you like your uncle Qi to send you?"

Xu Lyn smile and shook her head and thank her as she bid farewell.

Uncle and Aunt Qi are the owner of the small reataurant, she is very thankful for the couple's kindness to her, for an orphan like her living alone is normal, since her parents died at the car accident 15 years ago, she learned to be independent as early as 10.

Her parents was from small province in far south so when they died she was left alone, so she have to stay in orphanage.

10 years old is already late to be adopted so she can only wait until she is already adult before she can leave.

After graduating high school she didnt go to college and work with the Qi couple, even she is just a worker they treated her extremely good, they even want her to become their daughter but she refuse, the Qi couple does have a daughter, she doesnt want any conflict about their daughter so she just thank them and swore that she will work hard for their kindness.

She smile while thinking how the husband and wife are treating her, it was like having a parents again but not?

While being confuse on what she was thinking she arrived at her appartment building, looking at the old building that looks like it will fall at anytime she sigh, like anyone else she dream to live in a high end luxury appartment but she knows her limits and capabilities, her looks are not the only ordinary but her brain aswell.

Realizing that her mind drifted again she shook her head and enter her appartment, the 30 sqm room is just fine to her, after changing her shoes she threw her bag at her sofa and go to her kitchen to drink, because she can eat at her work place anytime or how many time so she dont have any problem in her food so she almost never check her ref so when she open it she sigh helplessly when she see that her ref looks like it was robbed.

"11 pm, already late but i have no choice but to buy water"

She mumble to herself and grab her wallet to go in the store 3 blocks away from her home.

Thinking about what to read onc she return  home her mind drift away again, she love reading more than anything else, she can live a day without any food but cannot without book to read.

Her being addicted on reading was start after a year when her parents died, thinking that she will never moved on from depression the dean suggest her to read books because maybe she can find her peace on it.

The first book she read was about a boy who go through a journey to find his dream, he experienced and face a lot of things but in the end he never found what he really wants so after years of travelling without any fruit from his journey he go back home, he tear up when he saw his parents white hair and realize that he was gone for 20 plus more years and found out that his dream was never far, it was just in their village, just help his parents and his poor village to improve, so after just another 5 years he achieved his dream, travelling far was just to gain a lot and learn a lot so he can achieve what he really wants.

The dean ask Xu Lyn what she learn about the book so she honestly shook her head, the dean pat her head and explain kindly

" Xu Lyn remember time can do a lot of things, but it can never correct our mistakes that we choose in our life but time can teach us a lot of things"

Little Xu Lyn still become more confused so the dean continue

"Did the boy found his dream in his journey?"


The child answer directly

"No he didnt but when he finally realize his dream he achieved his dream easyly because of what he learns in his journey, so now you know the reason why we have to go to school and study?"

Little Xu Lyn was finally enlighten and nod

"Maybe now you dont know what you want to do, maybe now it was painful, you have a lot of questions but in time, the scar will heal, the pain will disappear the question will have an answer and you will finally find your dream, so when that time comes grab it and dont let go and use your time wisely because we will never know when it will be too late, okay ah Lyn?"

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