Chapter 50:finality

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"Yes i heard that they have different ways to cook in there!and different ways to ferment wine!"

Mama Sy add

"Yes i learned to make wines in there!i actually brought some!"

She signaled somethins to Sy Tengfei and he unhurriedly took a bottle from his car and gave it to them,Xu Lyn's eyes widen she clearly brought a box!but she cant really rebuke him in front of his family so she shyly said

"This fruit wine was learned to ferment there,its actually a medicinal wine,it will help ease a little pain,and its not harmful to the body!"

The elders was amaze when they heard it and even more when they tasted it

"Wow!lynlyn this us truely delicious!"

"Yes it really is!tell us more about this"

"But i didnt see this in your restaurant why is that?"

When all of them is all about praising only grandpa Sy ask this

"I purposely didnt put this,because i want something exclusive for my family,if you didnt dislike it i will send you more,i can assure you that its not harmful to the body,my family has been drinking this since i learned to make it"

The Sy was envious at first but when they heard the latter sentence they eyes brighten up so they agreed readily only Sy Tengfei has a sullen face so mother Sy ask him

"Tengfei what is wrong with you?you look like you have been rob?"

"Mom its the first time i tasted this wine!i always come into their house but no one has ever offer me this!and even its my first time hearing about it"

Xu Lyn blushed and shrank her neck while the whole Sy laugh

"That is why you only brought one bottle out? You greedy fellow?"

"Granpa how did you know?"

Sy Tengfei ask without a bit of shame

"Do you think we are blind?every expression on your girlfriend's face is very easy to read!she is such a simple lass"

Xu Lyn blushed harder and want to find a hole to bury herself,she glare at Sy Tengfei blaming him for being shameless

Sy Tengfei smile gently at Xu Lyn's full of accusation that makes Xu Lyn more mad

He chuckle seeing how puffed her cheeks is so he humbly whisper

"Wife its my fault,you can punish me anytime later okay?just dont let me loose face in front of my family please?"

Xu Lyn purse her lips and turn her face away from the shameless man

The elders is gratified seeing how good the relation of the younger generations have,while talking about more things the butler called them announcing that the meal is ready.

At the dining table the elders keep on giving her food and urging her to eat more,although Xu Lyn really eat a lot but she wants to control it in front of Sy but base on what is going on it was impossible so she simple just eat the normal habit she has.

The elders really like to feed the youngers so when they saw how easy to feed Xu Lyn is they were extra delighted.

After the meal they were eating the cake Xu Lyn brought and start discussing important things

"So Lynlyn when do you want to hold the engagement banquet?i think we should go the the Xus to talk about the preparations right?"

Xu Lyn's fork almost fell when mama Sy ask about the engagement

"Aunt Sy its fine,i think me and Sy Tengfei can arrange it without disturbing the elders"

"No no no!this cannot be!i think it should be the elders will prepare this,dont worry we will make appointment to your family and we will discuss this with them"

Xu Lyn look helpless at Sy Tengfei indicating him that he should do something but Sy Tengfei just smile and say nothing

Xu Lyn take a deep breath calming herself to stop herself from pinching the man's ear in front of his family

"Are you sure it wont disturb you?"

The whole family saw that she finally agree so they strongly denied .the meet of the two families has been decided before they left

Sitting at the car Xu Lyn ruthlessly step on Sy Tengfei's foot

"You didnt helped me at all!you betray me!"

Sy Tengfei didnt feel the pain at all but because he wants the wife to feel a little better so he need to act a little

"Ssss!wife please be merciful!how i betray you?let go wifey please let go?"

Xu Lyn saw that he looks really in 'pain' so guiltyly take back her foot and ask worriedly

"Does it really hurts?why are you so delicate?sorry"

Sy Tengfei slyly smirk 'my wife is really anxious for me!how sweet' the smirk is really fast so Xu Lyn only saw his 'pained' appearance

"Kiss me so it wont anymore!"

Because the guilt Xu Lyn didnt notice that she has been duped but she still hurriedly kiss him

After the sweet kiss she still ask anxiously

"Does it still hurt?"

"No pain anymore"

He said pitifully but had a subtle wickedness in his eyes afted duping his wife he happily drop her so she wont remember how he let her deal with his family alone

When the car left Xu Lyn inwardly course Sy Tengfei

'That as***** really cheat!how dare he?i was calculated arent i?then i will let him see how is he going to apologize!'

Xu Lyn already had a plan on how to tale her sweet revenge firstly when Sy Tengfei called she ignore it and sleep happily

Sy Tengfei thought that she was just tired so he just sleep but when he arrive at the Xu the butler said that she already left so he knew in that instant that she found out

Fishing out his phone he dial her number and surely she didnt answer,after trying and trying and still no answer he sent a message

'Wife its my fault!please answer the phone!let us talk okay?i'll kneel in washboard or durian right away!just forgive me okay?'

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