Chapter 45:please let me prove myself

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"I am excited when i recieve your call informing about this reunion!"

Feng Lan said excitedly feeling happy from the bottom of her heart!

"I am happy too!but i will become more happy if this guy will stop being crook!"

Said Xu Lyn while taking back her hands from Sy Tengfei but her words and her moves is like just a passing air in him

The whole room is having a good time chatting and eating every now and there, laughing time after time

Everything seems perfect and just a dream!

While the girls decided the go karaoke and got drunk while the two men are just sitting looking at the women getting wild

"Boss its good that you listen to me being shameless while wooing a girl!sooner or later she will give in!"

Fu Ping proudly said but Sy Tengfei didnt give him any attention,his eyes is fix in his wife while she is singing and jumping

Fu Ping didnt feel like anything is new so he just shook his head for his boss for being hopeless

After the ruckus the woman is all drunk

Sy Tengfei throw the other women in Fu Ping without a care and bring Xu Lyn

While on the road Xu Lyn keep on singing, Sy Tengfei's eyes had a subtle smile


He ask while touching her cheeks using the back of his finger

Xu Lyn nod

"Hhmm happy!too happy that it feels its just a dream!very unreal!"

Sy Tengfei park the car and face her

"How unreal?"

Xu Lyn just giggle and lean on his shoulder and start singing again but stop again,look at him while holding his head checking it!

"You are really Sy Tengfei right?this isnt a dream right!you are real?"

"I'll prove to you that i am real"

After that he cross that distance between their lips and kiss her gently yet passionate!

Xu Lyn felt that her breath has been stolen, she didnt react but just look blankly at him and close her eyes after a while

Minutes passed Sy Tengfei finally let go of Xu Lyn but when he look at her he sigh trying to calm the beast inside him that wants to ravage the girl in front of him

Her red face,her moist eyes and her pouty red lips are like a strongest aphrodisiac to him

"Still felt unreal?"

He ask in his hoarse voice,Xu Lyn look up and shook her head

"Real!too real!"

After that she search a comfortable place in his arms and finally fell asleep!

Sy Tengfei didnt know wether to laugh or cry to the little kitten beside him,

Sighing softly he fix her in the seat making sure she is comfortable and drove away

He really wanted to bring her home but he respected her and he dont want to make a bad record to her family again,he knows how much she loves her family so make them angry is making her angry aswell!

Mama and papa Xu open the door for him when he arrive seeing the relief in their eyes when they saw Xu Lyn he know that he really did the right decision!

Papa Xu took Xu Lyn and thank Sy Tengfei,although reluctant he still give her and left.

Xu Lyn woke up feelimg refresh and no headache,while brushing her teeth she remember what happen last night and blush hard!she and Sy Tengfei kissed!not just a slightly touch kiss but its a french kiss?

Xu Lyn wash her burning hot face,she dont want to see him today!that hooligan!

After she finally calmed down she went out to eat,while walking down her phone suddenly rang,when she saw who the caller is she blush again!

Not wanting to answer her phone she let it rang until it will automatically cut off

After eating she want to just rest at home,looking at her phone thats ringing nonstop so she answer it shyly


Sy Tengfei finally heard her voice so he is at ease now

"Just woke up?"

"Mm what happen?"

"Nothing much just checking on you!have you eaten?"

"Just finish"

"Where do you want to go today?"

"No plan!just want to stay home to cook and bake"

Sy Tengfei remember something and his heart felt constricted



Xu Lyn was little surprised when he sound too serious suddenly she thought that it was something important because it takes time before he answer

"7 years ago you bringing me food and cakes,you made all of it?"

Xu Lyn is stunned but answer right away

"Yes it was,i really like cooking and baking"

"Sorry Lynlyn!i really regret it"

Xu Lyn laugh and explain

"Dont worry!it was never wasted,me and Jiao jiao can always eat a lot!so it was not issue"

"It was!everything was wasted your effort!your thought and even your heart!"

Xu Lyn tears fell,yeah!it was really wasted!everything!she thought that it was long time ago so the pain was supposed to be less but she was wrong trying to make herself sound normal she tease

"Yeah!but it was too late now!if you want to try my dishes you can only by it in my restaurant!no more special treatment for you!"

Sy Tengfei heard her slightly trembling voice, he  tighten his fist and said

"This time i will cook and bake for you!although not as good as you do but i will try!i will also knit for you and do a lot of things for you!so please dont be sad okay?"

Xu Lyn didnt answer immediately and ask in a serious tone

"Sy Tengfei do you think we are suitable with each other?"

Sy Tengfei's hand shook but answer bravely

"Yes we are!Lynlyn we are!you are the only one for me!i know that!"

Xu Lyn laugh mockingly and ask again

"How do you expect me to believed you?7 years ago you already hurt me"

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