Chapter 59:Reunion

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Xu Lyn smile while her tears is streaming,the whole Xu hug her and cried silently.

After a while 2 soft round baby was brought,Xu Lyn was startled and hurriedly hug one while the other one lay beside her,

After hugging and crying the whole family finally calm down except Mu Jiao Jioa so Xu Bai can only comfort her feeling little scared specially in her special condition

"Jiaojiao stop crying okay?Lynlyn is already fine so no need to cry this much!you know that crying a lot is not good for you!"

"Not good for me?since i got pregnant you where never concern about me!i know!"

Said the very emotional pregnant Mu Jiao Jiao,Xu Bai smile helplessly but still comfort her gently

"How come?my only concern is you!its not you being pregnan its because your eyes will hurt,see now its all swollen,so stop crying okay?its breaking my heart"

Mu Jiao Jiao stop and look suspicious

"You are not lying to me?or maybe because i looked ugly?do you want to abandon me?"

Xu Bai is apprehensive but explain slowly

"You will never gonna look ugly!in my eyes you are the most beautiful!i just dont like see you in pain okay?"

Xu Bai finally breath a sigh of relief when Mu jiao Jiao finally stop crying

Xu Lyn was watching from the very beggining laugh at them,Xu Bai look at her defeatedly and said nothing

After laughing she yawn,Sy Tengfei saw this so he let the two families keave first so Xu Lyn can rest again

The family understand and left after saying they will come back tomorow

Xu Lyn is lying down with the two babies when one of them was taken

"Let them stay please?"

She begged Sy Tengfei when the baby was about to be carried out but Sy Tengfei is strict about her rest so they still cartied out

Xu Lyn wants to sulk but remember something

"What are the babies name?"

Sy Tengfei hold her so she can recline properly and answer

"Sleep first and then we will talk about it later okay?"

Xu Lyn pout but still pat the space beside her

"Sleep with me,i can surely rest well if you are beside me"

Sy Tengfei didnt say anymore and just lay beside her,hug her tight and he can finally feel his tense body loosen up,she hug him back and find the most comfortable position and fell asleep contentedly.

Sy Tengfei woke up late hereafter he was greatly startled when the space beside him is empty so he jump off the bed and scurried out but the door open slowly and Xu Lyn came in with a bright smile

"Good morning husband!its good that you sleep well"

Xu Lyn close her mouth when she was pull into a tight hug and was questioned

"Where have you been?you are not rested enough,you shouldnt leave the bed for now,you are still weak"

Xu Lyn hug back and laugh

"I just walk a little,i come to the boys room"

She stop and realise something and continue but this time with a serious and apologetic tone

"Sorry husband!i will not leave you again okay?no next time i swear!"

Sy Tengfei didnt answer just hug her tighter,she knew ever since yesterday he is afraid,if she is out of his sight he will panic,

Since yesterday he only did was to look and stare at her,although she understand what he feel but the only problem is his extreme reaction

Trying to calm him down she change the topic

"What about the babies names?its been 3 months!why still didnt gave them name?"

His body suddenly tense up but recover soon and lead her to the bed and let her sit

Helping her to cover her feet he ask

"So any name you think?i am actually waiting for you to give them name,so if you didnt woke up they will stay nameless"

Xu Lyn laugh while hugging him but suddenly quieten down and said

"I was really scared,you know i woke up and i am suddenly alone!i thought you,my famile,your family,JiaoJiao are all dreams!i thought that i was just woken up from a dream,i was really scared and sad and at lost but you know?i fought!i fought my sadness and my fear,but whenever i think about you as a dream my heart ache a lot!i am glad that you are here!you are real and not a dream"

"No wife!you are the dream that i achieve,the dream that i am most oroud of and the dream that i will never ever gonna let go!thank you Xu Lyn,for barging into my dream!"

Xu Lyn laugh but her tears keeps on falling and suddenly decided

"Why not Sy Heng and Sy Huan?"

Sy Teng think and smile

"Heng(constant) Huan(happy) always happy?yes we will!"

So the twins name was decided,the whole Xu and Sy agreed happily about the name they also wish that for them aswell!

After a week Xu Lyn finally regain her strength she can now take care of her sons without worrying but Sy Tengfei is still a nagger

Nagging her about a lot of things specially about taking care the twins

"Wife just leave them to the nannies,you dont have to tire yourself for those brats!"

"Wife they are taking a lot of time of yours!why not send them to grandma and grandpa?"

"Wife stop paying too much attention at them!they already grown ups!"

Xu Lyn laugh and kiss him tenderly everytime he will get jealous with his sons

"You are always number 1 in my heart so no need to get jealous okay?and husband 3 months old are still a baby!amd for me you are always be my baby and so are they!"

Sy Tengfei pout he really likes her to pay attention only to him but its fine when they grow up a bit he will throw them to the parents so he can have all of her,just like before!

Smiling at his sinister plan he hug her tighter and promise

"We will stick together at the end of time!we will stay and will always be together!i love you Xu Lyn"

"We wont separate anymore!i love you too Sy Tengfei!"

      "THE END"

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