Chapter 57:Deja vu?

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Returning to the restaurant,she saw aunt Qi waiting for her

"Aunt whats wrong?"

"Lynlyn why not let uncle Qi bring you home?its already late"

Xu Lyn was stunned for a moment but still shook her head

"No need Aunt Qi,dont worry i am fine"

Aunt Qi obviously know what will be her answer but she still a little disapointed and worried

"Okay just becareful on the road okay?"

Xu Lyn smile and left after saying her fairwell,

Coming in her appartment,she wants to rest for a while but felt her throat a little dry,

Looking at her kitchen she realized her bottled water run our again!

Looking at her phone she sweated at the time she never really like cursing but she really swore what the f***!11 pm?!!!

She smile bitterly later on,what i am thinking?what happen in a dream is just a dream!so why afraid?

But she still go out 15 minutes late,even though it was just a dream,she is afraid that what happen in her dream will come true,she wants to come back to that world but what if this time if something really uncalled happen but instead of coming back she really died?does she really want to gamble her life on a scientifically impossible?

Looking at the time 11:15 she go out really slow and to officially ward off the unknown she even go in a different path

She really wants to buy in another store but it is way too far from her place so she can only go on the same store

Looking at the sky she suddenly remember the orphanage dream about the dead people and stars

When she just enter the orphanage the dean said that if she miss someone just look up!

Maybe the person you are missing is also looking down at you?

Realizing something again she inwardly scream,the night is little cold but she is perspring

Wiping the sweat she look at her wet shaky hand, oh my god!what the?what the?no i cant!i will go back!i will just buy tomorow!a little thirst will really kill her if  she still go on!

Turning back her body literally froze when she heard voices to be precise two people arguing

"We already broke up!why keep showing your face in front of me?"

Xu Lyn wanted to step back and run!run as fast as she can!run and dont look back but her body is not listening to her

"Did i agree?did i say yes?i didnt right?i didnt agree right?so Mo Tian you are my boyfriend and still my boyfriend!you will be my husband in the future!if you really want to break up with me then let separate!separate in hell!"

Xu Lyn close her eyes when she taken a glimpse of the shiny and pointy knife

When the man run away Xu Lyn felt that the heavy shackles in her body was lossen up and she finally can move but because she use a lot of force she stumble

She tried to stabilize her self but the man already passed by her and the way too familiar scene came again

The girl came to her side and shoved her away Xu Lyn use all her strength to fall at the other side but she didnt succeed

When she fell on the road a blinding light,a loud horn and a powerfull impact

Xu Lyn close her eyes giving to her fate,waited to the pain but she was shocked that she didnt feel it and a sudden all too familiar feelung that her soul is beung suck came.

In a comfortable bed laying down an pale but still beautiful woman with a lot of complicated apparatus connected in her body

Beside her a man with a extremely haggard appearance and a blood shot eyes obviously not resting well for days now

Working while keeping an eye to the woman beside him is his job now

Sy Tengfei raise his sluggish eyes when he heard the room door open but when he saw that its Xu Bai he disregard him and start being busy again

"I will take over for now,try to rest the twins seems like looking for you aswell,see them first and rest"

Sy Tengfei's eyes dim and darted his sight to his wife

"No need to rest,i will just go see the children"

He stood up and look a little longer to Xu Lyn and finally left

Xu Bai sigh and sat beside his sister and start talking

"Lynlyn you slept for 3 months now!are you waiting for your babies 1st year birthday?please wake up!your husband will not last long!he is basically killing himself!Lynlyn please wake up!JiaoJiao still keeps on crying,mom and dad are breaking down,grandma and grandpa become much more older,the Sy family is going crazy!your twins need you!we need you so please wake up!"

Seeing no reaction at all Xu Bai lips tighten,the memory 3 months ago came rushing in his mind

After Xu Lyn gave birth the solemn look at the face of the medical staff already gave the answer but Xu Bai still ask

"What about my sister?what about her?what happen?"

The Obstretician sigh and slowly said

"When she gave to the last child her heart stop although we manage to revive her but she is now in a deep sleep or comatose we are sorry"

The elder ladies collapsed the ladies cried,Xu Bai punch the wall and Sy Tengfei?

He just look at the doctor but his reaction is empty his eyes is void of anything

Grandpa Sy slap his shoulder

"Get a hold of yourself!you have to be more strong!specially now!"

Sy Tengfei finally reacted

"So when will my wife can wake up?she will right?how long?1 year?2years?10?tell me!"

"She hit her head and the impact was great so if she stayed in coma in 4 weeks her chance of waking up will be maybe after 6 months or 12 months but if she didnt wake up from this time she can be class as in permanent vegetative state we are deeply sorry"

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