Chapter 34:cant see again

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The Xu decided to close and the pay whole hospital last floor!money is never a problem to Xu but Xu Bai still let the elderly go home,staying at the hospital is not really good for their spirit so he insist on them to go home.

But before they left Xu Bai made a lot of promises

"Call us whatever happens"

"Call us even there is a slight changes"

"Call us what the doctor will say if they check her later"

"Call us when she woke up okay"

And a lot more!but Xu Bai will never disregards the elders words so he nodded solemnly but the most important thing he has to do is

"Do not let stinky army come closer to her!no one can come near her except that Mu girl!poor girl!we should contact her aswell,she was really worried!"

After leaving a lot of Xu's guard at the floor entrance and warn them that no outsider is allowed to come in that floor they finally left

Xu Bai sit tiredly when everyone left,massaging his forehead lessen its pain but a sudden commotion happen,

The guards where stopping a group of soldiers 6 soldiers and a girl if he is not mistaken the 3 of them who they coincidently saw in a restaurant are the one who disguise theirselves and the girl is their subject mission.

"The whole floor is already occupied"

"Please just let me see and thank her!"

Feng Lan said while crying but Xu Bai already harden his heart specially for the people who put his sister in danger

"No need!if you are really thankful then just stay away from her!"

"We didnt mean any harm to her!we"

"It was 2 times now!the first one thankgoodness that she was unharmed!now the 2nd time she is lying now in ICU!now tell me again if you didnt mean any harm to her!"

The group become quiet when Xu Bai gave his argument,even the soldiers who are just accomponying them felt ashamed,yes they know the story!

As a part of the mission group they know all what is happening to their mission,

And they know that they are at fault!the unreasonable assignment that the captain made is really shameful,

They really put the innocent girl in danger and on top of it,she is the Xus princess!the pearl in their palm!

So all of them are actually scared now to how they will be punish!

Sy Tengfei never said anything but just looking ahead he can see that at the end of the hallway is the ICU

But his sight was suddenly blocked!he and Xu Bai is almost same in height so when he stood in his front he can only see Xu Bai

Xu Bai look menacingly at Sy Tengfei

"My sister should already forget you!anyway what she liked was your disguise so now that you peel it off there is no more reason anymore to like you,and i hope that the soldiers will stop their nonsense already!we dont need any recognition or whatnot!if you want to give her a reward please just give her a piece of mind,let her heal with peace of mind"

After that he turn around and sit back,henis obviously too tired and tense,with just how he look now even blind can tell how much he loves his sister,

Feeling really ashamed Fu Ping and Ye Ai pat Sy Tengfei and led the others to just leave

"Lanlan we will try to come again next time okay?miss Xu Lyn is really a kind girl!she wont blame you and i am sure that she really like to save you that time!dont worry and feel guilty anymore okay?"

"She is right!miss Feng Lan dont worry anymore!we just wait she will surely want to meet you!"

But in Sy Tengfei's mind it will be impossible to met her again,how the Xu family become more extra overprotective to her is too obvious,they will not allow any outsider to meet her.

Meanwhile in Xu main villa the police are arresting Xu Mei for kidnapping, and assault,both of them is just attempted but a crime is a crime and the crime was commited to a important resident of the country,if something untold happens towards that person it will be a national disaster!

Grandma Xu almost fell down,if not for grandpa Xu the old lady may fall to the floor

"Grandpa!grandma!i didnt!i didnt do anything!it was not me!please dont let them take me away!"

Father Xu was the calmest so he ask the police the whole story

"Patriarch Xu it was just 5 days ago a group of thug wanted to assault a girl named Feng Lan,but was saved by 3 more students namely Sy Tengfei,Mu Jiao Jioa and Xu Lyn!"

Grandpa Xu was livid when he heard the whole story but the police is still not done

"Yesterday afternoon in a school a Feng Lan was almost kidnapped by the people Xu Mei hired but was intersected,the kidnappers was succesfuly captured and the investigation all point to Xu Mei!"

"I did not!i didnt hired any!it was clearly not me!why are you lying!grandpa!grandma!i really did not!pleae help me!"

Du Wei is already in the verge of breaking down but still tried to beg with Xu Mei

"Master,madam!please help me daughter!they were all lying!my daugter is innocent!please!she is member of your Xu family aswell!"

3rs master Xu cant take it anymore so he slap Du Wei and speak slowly and clearly

"Did you know that because of your daughter Xu Lyn is now in hospital bed lying!you crazy mother and daughter!i shouldnt have bring you here!you two are the Xus bad luck!"

And then he knelt in front  of his parents

"Dad!mom!its me!its me who bring scourge in our family!i am willing to face any punishment you deem!"

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