Chapter 36:its been a while

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In a buzzling airport most of the people are minding their own business but almost all of them will stop and stare at goddess who descend

Wearing an off shoulder knee length dress that accentuate her snowy white shoulder and her sexy collarbone,her long neck and her smooth calf,

The waist long black hair are casually drape at her back her palm size face are blushing because of heat and her red lips are pouting slightly seemingly irritated because she felt the weather is really hot!

Xu Bai's cold face had a subtle smile when he finally saw Xu Lyn coming towards him

Her dress is fluttering like a angel running to him so he happily open his arms to catch the angel

"Big brother!i really miss you!"

The people look at the goddess who happily hugging a equally handsome man

Really good looking are feast to the eyes!

Xu Lyn really miss her brother!they didnt meet for half a year now!since she left 7 years ago her brother will come visit her for almost every month but 2 years ago it decreased greatly

She is happy now that she is finally back,she felt like it was just yesterday since she left!

She even think that time that her family will flood with their tears the whole airport and even Mu Jiao Jiao join the crying party!

But after only a month later her grandparents follow her and stay abroad with her!

Her parents will come almost every 2 weeks like their distance is just a few kilometers!

She took a deep breath and reminisce the smell of the capital!

Really nothing can beat your own birthplace!

After completing her college she open her own restaurant,she wanted to stay there to make her business bigger but everyone object her plan so now she is back again!

She wait for the male lead to make his move but its been 7 years now!could the original story finally change?

Maybe he is busy strengtening his relationship with the female lead?laughing at herself she decided to focus on something else

"So big brother what happens this past months?too busy to visit me?"

Xu Bai laugh and gave her a fleeting look at concentrate on driving again,he didnt bring any driver because he wants to personaly drive for his sister!

"Yeah!too busy to even visit you!"

Xu Lyn puffed her cheeks and didnt talk anymore

Xu Bai poke the puffer fish beside him and laugh

"Okay!okay stop being mad already!i was just joking!dad just ask me to help you transfer your main restaurant in here,so i was just a little busy!sorry Lynlyn!"

Xu Lyn eyes widen and want to hug her brother again but she remember that he was driving so she just happily thank him

"Thank you big brother!you really are the best!i thought it will take time to transfer my main office here!i didnt know that i can just open here without any worries!"

Xu Lyn didnt realize that they already arrived because she had a lot to say to her brother.

Her family and Mu Jiao Jiao is already waiting for her in the living room when shw came in,

Her grandparents comeback a week earlier than her because she still had a lot of things to do.

After kissing and hugging and talking for a while she can finally rest.

Mu Jiao Jiao was her frequent visitor when she was still abroad every 3 months or sometimes 2 months she will see her,she is even more worried than Mu Jiao Jiao herself about her study but Mu Jiao Jiao are just rolling her eyes at her.

After 7 years Mu Jiao Jiao become more lively and more lovely,her beauty is not the type of you will look back and look twice when you see,Xu Lyn as a villainess ofcourse is like that but her beauty is the more you look the more she gets lovelier.

"Hey Lynlyn our class rep.arrange a reunion this coming saturday!and i told them that i will surely bring you!okay?bye!"

Xu Lyn look at the running girl while waving her hand this girl actually made a decision on my behalf?seriously?'

After shaking her head helplessly she decided to educate Mu Jiao Jiao sooner or later.

Xu Lyn woke before dinner time,when she come down the table is full of her favorite foods,

Seeing her coming down mama Xu urge her

"Baby come quick!we know that you miss the authentic taste of your favorite foods so we prepare it for you!sit and start eating!"

"Thank you mom!you are the best!"

After kissimg her mom she start digging in but didnt forget her filial piety

She clip foods for her elders and to her bigbrother,

Ever since she came she didnt her second and third uncle and even their family,

Sensing the melancholy of her grandparents she just keep  her question to herself deciding to just wait for them to tell her.

"Darling why not take your time and rest for now?i dont know why you are working so hard?dont worry!we can raise even a 100 you!"

"Dad i know you will!but i want to try raising you all aswell!is that wrong?"

The elders laugh at her but still readily agreed

"Sure baby!our Lynlyn will surely can raise us!"

Xu Lyn pout and exclaim

"Why i felt that you are all coaxing me like a child?"

Xu Bai chuckle while stroking his sister hair

"How is that possible?Lynlyn is not a child at all!"

"Liar!you obviously treating me like a child!"

The Xus elders laugh even the butler and maids

Sseing Xu Lyn's pout specially her pouting that can hang a teapot on her lips is exceptionally too funny!

Xu Lyn pouted even more!this people is really treating me like a child!

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