Chapter 16:is this for real?

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Mu Jiao Jiao jab Xu Lyn's shoulder for her to wake up,after nth time Xu Lyn finally look up and look in her front


Mu Jioa Jiao roll her eyes unlady like and pull her up

"Its been 10 minutes since the break starts!hurry up!i am hungry!"

Xu Lyn felt sorry for her so she move extra fast

"So what is happening?why are you being to serious in studying all of the sudden?"

"I am always serious about studying okay?"

"Oh come on!dont give me that excuse!as if u dont know you okay?so tell me!ive been dying to know everything already!"

Xu Lyn knew that Mu Jiao Jiao will not let her go so she explain everything

"Wow!are you sure?oh my gosh!i cant believe it!i dont know what is his plan knowing that you are always first in every exam why did he agree but there is just 2 explanation in it!"

Xu Lyn stop eating and wait for her conclusion

"1st is it because he already like you but he is shy to just admit it!"

Xu Lyn blush hard and cover her face with her hand but Mu Jiao Jiao's next sentence is like a cold water that is thrown to her

"2nd is he already knew that he can beat you that is why he readily agreed!he is confident in his ability!meaning he really doesnt like you at all!"

Seeing her bestfriend getting paler and paler Mu Jiao Jiao finally stop and console her

"Okay i know it hurts but i think we need to prepare ourselves to any worst case scenario okay?"

Xu Lyn grip her chopstick tighter and hope that it is the 1st conclusion.

This past few days Xu Lyn really didnt have a chance to talk to Sy Tengfei but she is always giving him something with extra caring notes.

Feng Lan feels that her classmates are looking at her wierdly specially the girls,

Feng Lan is not the type to think too much so she just let it pass

But this past few days they are even looking at her unkindly

So she ask her bestfriend Chu Ying

"Yingying what do you think is happening?why they are looking at me like that?"

Chu Ying look around and look back to Feng Lan

"Maybe they are just envious about your beauty?"

Feng Lan shook her head

"Seriously!i am already baffle"

Before Chu Ying could reply a guy already come between their conversation

"Feng Lan do you know who is sinister enough to spread gossip about you?"

Feng Lan was startled and ask

"What gossip?"

"It said that you are actually a mistress!you are sold in a rich old man when you are actually just 13!"

Feng Lan's eyes widened

"Wha-what? Who will?oh no!what should i do?it must be stop!"

Seeing her panic everybody thinks that it is because of guilty conscience so they start mocking her but Feng Lan didnt care about them

"Yingying what can i do?what if my grandma hears this?she is already weak!i dont want her to worry about me anymore!"

She said while tearing up Chu Ying and Qi Jiu or rather the undercovers Fu Ping and Ye Ai sigh

"Lanlan dont worry!we must report it quickly so it will be investigated earlier!we can call the police if the school didnt manage to find the culprit!"

Xu Mei's hand shook but she stayed still while the whole class was in chaos!

Police?why it has to come to that?

Feng Lan, Chu Ying and Qi Jiu hurriedly left making the whole class more lively

"Is this for real?so it was just a rumor?"

"Think about it?if this will be investigated so if she is a real mistress it will come out right?"

Xu Mei's eyes flicker

"Unless it was just an act?i mean dont get me wrong!i believe that Feng Lan is not like that at all!but why does she have to react like that?worry about her grandma or the legal wife?"

Although Xu Mei's voice is just small but the effect was huge and she secretly smile because of that

"Dean!please do something about this rumor!i cant let my grandma hear about anything like this!she is already really weak!she will worry for sure!"

The Dean look at the crying girl in his front

He gave her tissue and then assured her that the school will do something as soon as possible the two undercover and look at each other

"Dean we know that the school is fare but please do it sooner because what if something really happen because of this rumor?Feng Lan really didnt care much about it,her only concern is just her grandmother!if the school cant do something about it i have uncle is working at the police bureau i am sure he will lend a hand!"

The dean sweated when he heard it, he is sure that the uncle of this student is not just an ordinary police so weather he likes it or not he will have to hasten the investigation!

"Okay okah i know!i'll do it right away,before the end of the day this will be over okay?"

After he said that he quickly made a call for arranging the investigation

The trio comeback to the classroom,when they enter the whole class was quiet and they looked at them more unkindly

They just waited for awhile before a teacher came in and ask about the rumor

Sensing that nobody wants to talk the teacher push harder

"You are all already 16 years old!so if you made a crime and was capture you all have to answer already!even if your family is rich and powerful but it will still be stain to your name right?"

The whole school kept quiet until a more timid girl stand up to talk.

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