Chapter 18:without any disguise

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Mu Jiao Jiao look at her departing bestfriend and look at the table

"This crazy Xu Lyn!she didnt pay again!"

Money is never a proble to Mu Jiao Jaio but she clearly remember that Xu Lyn promise that she will treat her so she paid and ask for the reciept 'i'll let her see how much she owes me!this time no excuse!"

Xu Lyn just change into a simple white dress remove her glass and fix her hair

While on her way she called brother asking which room

Because she is in a hurry she didnt listen clearly but just remember the number 520

Xu Lyn directly ask the staff where is room 520,

The male staff just look at her in daze and point in a opposite direction

Xu Lyn thank the male staff who was still in daze and when she finally see the number she directly open the door

Seeing unfamliar 3 people in a room Xu Lyn was shock for a while and take a step back look up and come in again

Seeing the same infamiliar face again she took a step back again look up again and come in again

She did it 3 times but the people's face didnt change at all!

Sy Tengfei, Ye Ai and Fu Ping look at the little fairy err no the little girl who suddenly barge into their room

At first their eyes become cold,in the nature of thier work they are naturally suspicious in nature

But when the girl suddenly move back and fort like the people's face will change if she did it a flash of  amusement came into their eyes

Sy Tengfei was about to say something but the girl suddenly make quiet sign and fish out her phone to make a call

He was about to show impatient but he was shock when she heard a very familiar voice

"Hey my dearest big brother!which room did you say you are again?"

Xu Lyn didnt know what to do anymore!it was clearly the restaurant room number that her brother told her but why 3 unfamiliar face are in there?

She heard a sigh at the other side and a sound of door opening at her back

Xu Lyn look at the opposite door and the room in front of her twice and blushed hard

Because she was in panick state because of embarassment she didnt know how to react for a while

So she didnt see a flash of surprise and a hint of amusement but he is confuse

Why her voice is very similar to the girl in school?

Xu Bai saw her blushing sister and 3 unfamiliar people inside the room

He can see that this people are not ordinary people

He rub her sister's head and face the 3 person

"Sorry for disturbing!as for compensation,this is my card,please call me anytime you need something,i will fulfill any wish within my power!"

Xu Lyn bulge her cheeks and meekly say

"Im sorry,i didnt mean to suddenly barge in your room!please accept my brother's card!ask anything you want!its fine!"

When Xu Bai gave the calling card the trio is surprise out of curiosity Ye Ai took the card but suddenly pass it to Fu Ping like its a hot potato

"So its sir Xu Bai!dont worry!its not a big deal!no need to worry about that!and we are specially overwhelmed when a little fairy suddenly grace us with its present"

Xu Lyn giggles and look at her brother

"Its the first time i heard that someone call my brother a little fairy!brother are you touch?"

Ye Ai and Fu Ping laugh and Xu Bai's face darken

"If i am the little fairy then you are a what?"

"Obviously i am goddess!"

The others laugh loudly again and finally Xu Bai pull her sister

The others still heard their bantering

"Brother it was your fault!you didnt tell me clearly that it was opposite!it was really embarassing you know?"

When the room was finally quiet Ye Ai react first

"Wow!it was actually the Xu's next patriarch!i just heard that their little princess is spoiled to the core!but now i see it with my eyes!really too spoiled!"

"Ya!even lowering his head to apologize in behalf of his sister?and just giving out his card and can give any request!what a great big brother!"

Sy Tengfei didnt give any reaction,just look at the card that was pass to him

Looking at the name XU BAI in it his eyes flash in a hint of doubt

The Xu main family will only let their children to home schooled

They are extremely low profile!

Even if they showed in public nobody will not that it is actually the infamous Xu!

The rumor said that the Xu princess is loved very much by the family and even by the elders!

Spoiled rotten that she is not allowed to go out of the public without any guards and her safety is always the priority in the family

Sy Tengfei look out and as expected almost 12 guards are scatter around the restaurant

The guards is not allowed to go near the princess because she didnt like it so they are only guarding her from afar and secretly

Thinking about the nerd girl at school he subconciously shook his head

It is impossible!he cant feel anything amiss around that nerdy girl!

He subconciously hid the card in his pocket while convincing herself that the Xu princess and the nerdy in school are deffinetly different people!

The only similarity on both of them is just their voices!

After calming himself he already ask his to coleague to resume the meeting.

They still have to make the report!

If the report come late the consenquences will be dire!

When the meeting start again they habitually forget about incident earlier.

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