Chapter 32:rescued!

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They want to smuggle the female lead using the water channels,if they succeed the female will be in the enemy's hand after 24 hours

The plan is perfect but ofcourse no one can beat the male lead in anything!

Xu Lyn just counted inwardly after an hour of walk the male lead really arrive with his team,but this time the disguise is already removed

Xu Lyn's eyes widen 'isnt this guy i saw in a restaurant?' After the initial shock she look down and just ignore him,everytime she will look at him her heart is in pain

So she would rather not look!

Sy Tengfei's eyes are dark he purposely not look to any of them because he know that it will leave a clue to the enemy

"If you want still want your lives let go of the girls!"

The kidnapers snort

"Do you think we will believe you?if you want them to live make some way!"

"The boat is already destroyed!you cannot escape anymore!"

Sy Tengfei replied calmly,the leader was taken aback

"Even if that is true as long we have these two we can still escape!and you will give us that!"

After that he put the gun on Feng Lan's neck while pulling her hair

Xu Lyn's eyes widen and inavertly look at Sy Tengfei seeing him look so tense she sigh and step forward

"I know!"

The whole place become silent and all of them look at her

"I know who you are looking for!i will tell you but let them go!"

The soldiers stiffen Sy Tengfei's eyes ablaze and the leader look at her intently

"I know you are looking for a 16 year old girl!with a powerful background!"

The leader give Feng Lan to one of his subordinate and put the gun on her face letting her continue

"I will not reveal anymore unless you let them go!"

"How will i know if you are not lying to us!"

Xu Lyn purse her lips and continue

"How do you think i know about this?do you think that i am bluffing?its up to you if you believe it or not but if we take more time you will be in danger!"

The leader pull her hair up and look at her eye to eye because the glass has been long gone so he can see her face more clearly

"Tell me and i will let them go!"

"I wont believe you!"

Xu Lyn didnt forget to communicate to Sy Tengfei using her hand,because the whole atmosphere is tense so her small movement was didnt seen by others

Ofcourse only the ever reliable male lead saw it

Sy Tengfei's grip on his gun tighten when he saw the signal he didnt know how he understand but he knows that she is signaling to snatch the girl

His grip to his gun tightened that his hand seems like it will bleed in a while now!

But he have to take away Feng Lan first so rescuing her will be more easy

After giving a secret signal to his subordinates he counted, made a big move seemingly want to grab Xu Lyn so most of the enemy subconsciously go to her side so the others have an opening and succesfully snatched Feng Lan fron their hands.

The leader reacted a little late but it was still too late in that kind of situation

Xu Lyn's heart that is already in her throat return back to where it should be when she saw that Feng Lan is already safe

Xu Lyn didnt know what happen she only know that her head turn to the other side with a great force and her face become numb before a burning pain came

"You b****!it was all your plan!damn you!"

There was fire in Sy Tengfei's eyes he looks like he was going to set averything on fire

"Try to move again or i will plant all the bullet in your body!"

The leader stop his hand on air and look at the soldiers around them and laugh

"Just you wait b****!"

Xu Lyn ignore the pain in her face but swore that she will pay this bastard seven folds!

The leader set aside his anger and hold Xu Lyn tight and set her in front of him making her his shield

"Okay i am extremely mad now!so let us go if you dont want this little s*** to die!i am serious!dont test my patient any longer!move aside now!"

The soldiers stood still and wait for the instruction,

While they all in a stalement Lu Xyn didnt just stand still,she keeps on looking around waiting for the right time to move.

All she need is a little opening or a distraction but nobody would dare at this moment because they are afraid of what the enemy will do it her!

The gun is pushed more in her neck that it is already a painful but she have to endure,she cannot be distracted,

Sy Tengfei's eyes never left Xu Lyn,he knew the way her eyes keep looking around means that she will do something dangerous again!but he will not allow it anymore,one time is enough,

So before she do something crazy again he have to rescue her first!

Xu Lyn knows that it was only few minutes but she felt it was eternity!

Her feet is already in pain,her neck feels like it will be broken anytime soon because of how the man holding down her hair making her look up,the gun feels like a cold knife in her neck

I really want to end this!but before she can do something again the leader ask

"Little girl tell us now where is the we were looking for?i will let them go and end this already"

Xu Lyn purse her lips and swallow hard she is already in a lot of pain,since sbe became the Xu princess she become so squemish,her pain level is much more higher than any person!

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