Chapter 33:please be fine!

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"If i am not mistaken you are looking for a girl who has a very powerful background but in disguise right?"

The leader didnt answer but tag her hair stronger signaling her to continue talking but the captain butt in

"Okay enough miss Xu!i dont know how you knew this things but i will advice you to stop talking now!"

Xu Lyn just look at the useless captain she dont want to pay him any attention because his ending is almost coming

In the book because he break a lot of military's rules just to make sure that this mission will succeed so he was stripped by his title and jailed!

"Just let them go first and i will tell you!"

"You think you can make a deal with me?i will make the decision in here!now all of you step back or i swear i will really shot her pretty little face!"

After saying that he point his gun at the nearest soldier and Xu Lyn use this chance

She swing hard her elbow to hit the man's side as hard as she can when she felt that he loosen his hold on her hair she twist his arm holding the gun and shoulder throw him

The man was hit hard on his side so his concentration loosen so he was beaten down!

Sy Tengfei hurriedly Xu Lyn to come to thier side but the leader aim his shot to Feng Lan who is now unprotected

Xu Lyn's eyes constricted she didnt know where she take her super speed ability and in just millisecond she is already in front of Feng Lan taking the shot for her.

Sy Tengfei tried to push her away from the danger zone but he was already too late!

His blood froze when he heard a gunshot and saw Xu Lyn fell down,before his brain can react his body move and catch her and shoot back,he was only moving with his pure instinct!

The leader's hand was hit so he didnt have a chance to make another shoot,

The gunfight only lasted for a minute because a lot of soldiers was dispatch so the enemy was overwhelmed and was defeated faster.

When the shoot out is done Sy Tengfei panick when he saw how pale Xu Lyn is,he removed her long bangs that is always covering her face and was frozen shock!

While in a shock he didnt noticed that another group came in and one of the them squat in front of him to pick up the girl

Sy Tengfei look at the person in front of him who is taking the girl from his arms

"Young master Xu i dont think its polite to just take someone on somebody else hand right?"

Xu Bai just snort and coldly said

"Let go!"

Sy Tengfei didnt want to let go and never want to but the girls small voice woke him up!

"Big brother it hurts!"

"Its okay!its okay!big brother is here!sorry Lynlyn!sorry for being late!"

"You came!"

When he saw her face without the cover of her bangs he already recognize her but he subconsciously denied it but he was defeated for just one word from the girl but he will never give up trying to be close to the girl again

"It was our negligent that Xu Lyn is hurt so let us make up for it!"

Xu Bai didnt stop walking but talk more coldly

"The Xu family will never ask any help from you!"

Before finishing his word he stop and look at Sy Tengfei eye to eye

"You will never gonna see her again!"

Sy Tengfei fist tighten but reply much more colder

"Do you think you can stop me?"

Xu Bai just smirk and turn around leaving Sy Tengfei behind

Sy Tengfei know that he can beat down the Xu if he wants to use the Sy Family but he dont want that!

He dont want the girl to be more angry at him because he know how much she love her family,

Thinking that he will take away their princess sooner so he let them be,once he snatch her back their chance to be with her will greatly reduce

But for now he wants to be stronger and more powerful,without using his family name.

Feng Lan finally calmed down a little the first thing she find is Xu Lyn to thank her but was already taken away she tried to follow but was stop by the soldiers telling her that it is still unsafe so she can only give up and wait for the right chance

But she didnt know that she just missed the right chance.

At the hospital the whole Xu family was waiting ouside the operating room,

Xu Lyn has been inside for about how many hours now but none of them left waiting for the operation to be done

After waiting for another hour the operating room finally open so they hurriedy ask the leading operating doctor

"How's our child?is she okay?no danger at all?"

"Sirs and maams the patient is already out of danger but we still have to put her in ICU first before puting her in a normal room"

The family finally can rest assure

"Thank goodness!our Lynlyn is already fine!"

"Yes, yes Lynlyn is fine!everything is well!"

After consoling each other they decided to let mama Xu enter the ICU because only one can enter.

"Baby!mom was really scared that time!you dont know your grandpa,dad and brother already mobilize a lot of people when we recieve your distress signal but when we arrive at your location they were stop!darling you dont know how my heart beat felt liks stopping especially that we heard that you were involved in a international kidnappers!but as long as you are alive!as long as you are fine we are okay now! Darling you are the source of our energy!so please stay safe okay?"

Mama Xu beg while crying her heart out!she really was trying to be strong earlier but now that her daughter is fine she cant contain her tears anymore.

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